Chapter 4: Violations

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At first I froze, trying to comprehend how I found myself in this situation, then as if struck by some sort of sense magic, I immediately started writhing out of his grasp.

"Let go of me!!!" I screamed, or atleast I thought I did because it came out as a not more than a squeak.

"Oh, C'mon Mira. Don't tell me you forgot me?" He spoke.

Forget him??Pfft
That was....impossible.

Did I forget him???
Heck no!
Ethan Woods was like a memory on his own in my brain. Like he had a segment of my brain, heart and soul to him. Like he was a part of each of these things. Like he was a second brain. Like a second heart and like a second soul to my body.
He was imprinted in my memory even though I tried my possible best to erase him from my life.

But did he need to know that?
He'd had enough ego boost to last a lifetime.

So if I needed him to steer away from me, then I had to do my best to avoid him....and to do that I needed him to avoid me.

So I mustered enough acting spirit in my blood and spoke my next words.

"Who are you!?" When I spoke, his arms seemed to loosen a bit but after some time, it tightened back.

"Don't play tricks with me, Mira. It isn't funny." I almost laughed at the fear in his voice.

Trying to supress my laughter, I continued with the act;
"Who on earth are you!??" I screeched "and how do you know my name!? I don't remember telling you that!"

The urgency in my voice seemed to do the trick because in less than a second, his body had gone from relaxed to tensed and his grip had loosened as he placed my foot back on the floor. Though he didn't fully let go of me and I had no reason why. I waited for his hands to drop but it just stayed put as he slowly and eerily looked down at me in a frightened matter. His blue orbs finally showed an emotion I could understand - fear.

I almost laughed my butt off as he stared down at me. I could imagine his situation right now. It was a 'did I just tightly hug a random stranger I had never met, lifted her up the floor and asked if she'd forgotten me?'. From his point of view, he looked like a total creep. From mine? I couldn't hold my laughter any more.

A chuckle escaped as I stared at his flabbergasted face, slowly it turned into silent laughter. Ethan blinked at me as I laughed then soon enough his lips broke out into a grin.

"You almost got me there." He smiled

Did I just blow my cover!!!?

"I wasn't joking." I said "I don't know you."

His smile fell. His hands still in place around me.

"Do I need to get you a restraining order before you let me go?" I asked, quirking a brow.

He instantly pulled his hands away from me.
Still, he looked at me, trying to figure out who I was or who I wasn't.
He kept his eyes strained on me, searching my face and blinking like it would magically reveal that I was infact the Mira he thought I was.

"C'mon I know it's you, Mira." Then without warning he gripped the hem of my shirt and started to pull it up ever so confidently like he owned me.

"The h*ll!!!!" I screamed slapping his hands away before my stomach was on full display.

"Do I also need to report for sexual harrassment!?" I exclaimed.

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