Chapter 2: Arguments

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Don't mind my mistakes and please be nice about making corrections.





I was supposed to be angry at this situation but something in me still wanted to run towards him and give him the hug of a lifetime. I wasn't going to let it have its way.

"What the h*ll is he doing here!!??" I screeched at my mother.

"Someone wants more punishment. Mind your language," She spoke, crossing her arms and leaning on very expensive car behind her.

”More punishment??What on earth would be greater than this!!????" I probed,  annoyed as ever.

"You wanna find out?...... Swear again"
She spoke, her eyes gleaming and daring me to speak.

With our intense staring match and the tension heating up,  I spoke;

She  laughed. She laughed hard.
"Don't say I didn't warn you." Then without another word, she pulled the passenger door open and settled in the seat.

"What are you on about?" I asked, moving closer.

"Ask your father.....he'll tell you." She spoke.

After stopping a few inches in front of both my parents, I looked up at my father.

"The thing is..... your mum......uh.... you..." He sighed, "you're coming to New York with me."

I blinked. Once. Twice.

Maybe I didn't hear clearly because I was still trying to comprehend the fact that he was here,  standing before me. For me,  that was enough to keep me awake for days,  weeks even.


"You heard him....." My mum smiled seeming to enjoy the expression on my face, "you heard him good."

Shifting whatsoever pride I had left, I fell on my knees in front of my mum.

"You know I love you, right?..Don't worry about me,  I'll be a good daughter from henceforth. No more vandalizing, late night runs and even being called to the principal's office. I'll even do well in my studies including maths,  especially maths..... I'll do all the house chores,  you won't even have to move a muscle." Then with a satisfying smile settled on my face,  I gave her a pleading smile.

She looked scared to death. Her eyes where blinking furiously at me and she was squirming in the car seat.
"That was the most terrifying thing you've ever said." She spoke and I continued giving her my most apologetic look. Then she crossed her arms and looked away,  "Too bad, I'm not falling for it. I've packed everything you need and I even gave you money even though you'll be living with your father."

This couldn't be real.

"Come on, Adams. You have a flight to catch." My mum said, before turning to me "Get in the car,  Mira.... If you don't want more surprises."

That was enough for me to scramble to my feet and climb into the car. Sure enough, luggage were packed in the boot and on my right,  a small blue duffel bag. My small blue duffel bag.

Aren't surprises meant to be enjoyable? Mine wasn't.

All I could do was hope that I was having a nightmare but I just couldn't wake up. But that thought, that hope shattered when I looked at the sickly white spacious airport.

This was no nightmare. It was all real.


"I don't understand why you have to leave. You've committed crimes way worse than this one. Why is this punishment different??" Dom asked, his lips contorted into a frown.

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