Chapter 5 : 'US'

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Was he being literal right now?
Was my acting that bad that he still didn't believe I don't know him?
Or was he just trying to convince himself that he infact remembered me?

"It's like I need to really get you a restraining order," I said, trying to pry my hands from his grip. He didn't budge.
He just kept me close and stared.

"Hello?" I spoke, waving my hands in front of his face. But he still didn't budge.

"Let me go, Ethan!" I exclaimed.

But all he did was blink.

"Why are you doing this? You're making me sound crazy," his voice was merely audible, like he expected the whole cafeteria to just b me standing behind us.

I kept mute. Sound crazy??? He sounded crazy? Pftt. The real definition of 'sounding crazy' was when I told everyone back in elementary school that this 'Ethan Woods' was my best friend. I sounded crazy back then.
Now? He just sounded desperate.

"I know you remember me, Mira." He gritted.

"And so what if I do!?" I finally let out. His eyes seemed to widen a bit and his grip instantly disappeared as he slowly let go.

"What if I remember every damn single thing about you!? What's gonna change? Huh!?" I continued, "Nothing, Ethan. Things aren't gonna change, Ethan. So do me a favour and leave me alone."

I turned to walk away but he dragged me back once more.

"Would you stay put!?" He spoke, probably annoyed.

"Do you ever listen?" I asked,"what part of 'leave me alone' didn't you understand?"

"Oh, I understand. I understand that well enough. I just choose to ignore it." He spoke.

"Well, keep on choosing to ignore it," I dragged the word with narrowed eyes at him. "Just stay away"

I turn around for the third time to leave but he repeats his action and drags me back spinning me around.

"Why do you keep on stopping me?" I probe, not hiding my irritation.

"Why do you keep on walking away?" He gritted, sure enough he didn't seem to hide his anger with his clenched jaw and folded arms that hid his clenched fists.

"Why won't I? Huh?" I said,"Do I have any unfinished business with you?"

"Yes, yes we do. We have a lot of unfinshed business. Lots and lots of them. For some reason you seem to hate me more than how much you hated your dad back then." He said

"‘For some reason?’ I have a valid reason to hate you Ethan Woods. You, " I pointed at him, "have to deal with that"

Then I moved away to walk away again. But he still caught me by my wrist.
A loud groan escaped my lips as I turned to face him once more.

"Could you stop!!???" I exclaimed.

"What? You still don't remember? I've caught you like four times now. Why hasn't it clicked?" He spoke

He seemed to be asking himself that question. With the way his brows pressed together, it wasn't hard to figure that out.

"We don't walk out on each other, that's an unspoken rule between us," he explained, releasing my wrist.

Was he high or something?

"Us?" I scoffed, "There is no 'us', Ethan. There never was and there never will be as long as I'm alive."

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