1.1 - Fear

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RECAP - Nick and Charlie have now been together for 7 years. They are now both in university (the same university) and are still madly in love with each other. Nick is still medicated for his anxiety and Charlie is still seeing a therapist. After Charlie lived at Nick's place for over 3 years, they decided to move in together. *Important to know that Charlie was mentally and physically abused by Ben when they dated back in the day.

*Nick's POV*

N - Baby, I'm home!

I close the door behind me and drop my stuff on the floor. I could hear Charlie's footsteps followed by Nellie's rushing down the stairs. He runs up to me and jumps into my arms.

C - God, I missed you so much.

N - But, we saw each other this morning.

I let out a little laugh.

C - And?

He giggles and kisses me deeply.

N - I missed you too baby.

Charlie and I have lived together for almost 4 years now. We live in a two-levelled apartment with Nellie and our new dog Bear. She's literally the sweetest little German Shepard EVER. Also, Charlie chose the name. Anyways, we are literally living our perfect life together. We got in the same university; Charlie's studying psychology and I'm in animal clinic, obviously. We both almost have the same schedules, so we usually spend all our free time together if we're both not working. I've been working in a pretty busy cafe and Charlie has been working in a movie theatre and has just been promoted to assistant manager. Everything is going great for both of us. Everything is literally perfect. 

C - How was school today?

N - It was pretty good, except the part where we had to say goodbye to Amelia the snake.

C - Snake?!

N - Yes, snake. What? You're gonna tell me you're afraid of those cute and innocent little creatures?

C - Cute and innocent?!

We both laugh after I roll my eyes.

N - How was your day love?

C - It was.. okay.

His expression changes and he looks away. I sit down next to him on the couch where he had layed down a few minutes ago.

N - Char? 

He knows he can't stay silent with me, simply because I've known him for so long now that I just know when things aren't okay. 

C - I saw Ben... at work.

N - Ben? As in Benjamin Hope? As in Idiot Hope?

C - Yup.

N - Did he talk to you? What happened? 

C - He just said hi and...

N - And?

C - He tried to say sorry.

N - Omg after 7 fucking years, that idiot is still trying. Wait until I see him.

C - He was with his new boyfriend.


My jaw drops and Charlie lets out a laugh after my reaction.

C - I guess so.

N - Okay but, enough talking about him. Are you okay?

C - I'm actually good, surprisingly. Seeing him didn't affect me at all. I'm actually glad to see that he found himself, but I just wish he's not doing the same thing to that other guy.

N - I truly hope so too.

I hug him tight and look into his eyes. God, he's beautiful. How do I deserve to be with such a sweet and kind and loving person?

N - You're so beautiful Charlie.

His eyes light up as he blushes.

C - Oh, stop with the puppy eyes. 

N - What are you talking about?

He jokingly punches me on the arm and laughs. I hold him tight in my arms as if he could disappear at any moment. 

We stay silent in eachothers arms for a while before we can hear Nellie barking really loud.

N - Nellie, omg, will you stop barking at strangers outside?

I get up and walk towards the window to close the curtains, but before I do, my jaw drops to the sight of someone breaking my car window and running away. 

N - Charlie! Come here please, and don't panic.

He comes up to me and looks out the window.

C - What the - 

🍂Nick and Charlie - Heartstopper - 2🍂Where stories live. Discover now