1.2 - Fear

162 6 10

TW: assault, swearing, blood

*Charlie's POV*

Nick and I have been staring out the window for a couple of minutes now.

N - Stay here and lock the door behind me. 

C - No, I'm not letting you go outside by yourself in the dark like that. 

N - Char, I'll be fine. I'll turn on my flashlight and I'll stay close so you can see me.

Despite me being terrified at the idea that anyone could attack Nick at anytime, he still swings the door open and takes a look at the car. He looks around him then back at me. He was about to come back in, when I see a shadow come up behind him and swing a baseball bat at him. Nick falls to the ground as I run outside. 

C - Nick!

The shadow disappears so I slowly approach Nick. 

C - Baby, are you okay? Omg. Nick, please answer me.

I kneel down next to him and try to sit him up.

N - Omg, Char, are you alright? Did he hit you too?

C - No, I'm fine. Are you okay? Can you get up?

N - I think so...

I help him stand up, but as soon as he's on both feet, he leans on me and holds his head.

N - Ow, fuck!

I can barely support him but I still manage to get him inside and sit him down on the sofa. I gently take his hand off of his head and take a look at his wound. He got hit pretty hard and was bleeding quite a lot. I could see that he was mostly angry and he was struggling to hold back his tears. 

C - Hey, it's okay. Let me clean that up. 

N - Thank you.

He holds my waist and leans his head on my stomach. 

N - What kind of idiot would do that?

C - I don't know, but what matters right now is that you're okay.

N - Should we report this?

C - Uh- yes. What kind of a question is that? Someone just literally broke your car window and attacked you.

N - You're right.

C - I'm always right.

Nick looks up at me and giggles, then flinches to the rubbing alcohol that I put on his wound. 

C - I'm sorry.

N - Stop with the S word Charlie. You're literally taking care of me right now. 

I look down at him and smile.

Gosh, he is so beautiful, even after being hit with a baseball bat by some stranger. 

N - What are you looking at young man?

I looking away, blushing, realizing that I have been staring at him for a few minutes. 

C - Who are you calling a young man?

He grabs me in his arms and pulls me on the sofa with him. We lay there for what feels like hours before falling asleep.

 We lay there for what feels like hours before falling asleep

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The next day...

After leaving the police department, we headed home to prepare dinner. 

N - Do you think they're gonna find the guy who did this?

C - I don't know. It's not like we have any enemies. 

I pause for a second.

C - Unless...

It takes a second for Nick to understand what I'm suggesting. 

N - You think Ben could have done this?

I stare blankly at the wall, memories of him coming back to my mind. I zone out for a second before Nick snaps me out of it.

N - Love?

C - Hmm? Sorry I just-

I try to keep my tears from falling, but fail miserably. 

N - Hey, it's okay, come here.

He holds me tight and gently runs his hand through my hair.

C - Do you think he could've done that?

N - Honestly, I always thought that boy was deranged. 

C - I'm so sorry. This is all my fault.

N - Charlie Spring, none of this is your fault. It's not your fault that after 7 damn years, this boy still can't grow up.

C - Yes, but this time he went too far. He hurt me and I have no intentions of letting him hurt you. 

I can feel the anger spreading through my whole body.

C - I'm gonna kill that motherfu-

N - Hey, calm down love. I'm okay. And you're okay.

He notices that I'm breathing heavily and holds me even tighter.

N - Wanna watch The Kardashians? 

C - Yes please.

Before even starting the episode, Nick gets a call from the police department. He looks at me, worried, and picks up.

N - Hello?

Officer - Mr. Nelson. This is officer Peterson. I simply wanted to inform that we might have found the person who attacked you. We would like you to come over to the station as soon as you can. 

He looks at me, eyes wide open. 

N - Sure, we'll be there in a bit.

He hangs up and stays silent. 

N - I guess we're about to find out who did this. 

🍂Nick and Charlie - Heartstopper - 2🍂Where stories live. Discover now