1.3 - Fear

139 3 11

TW: Anxiety, panic attack, swearing

*Nick's POV*

I have always known that he doesn't really like me that much and that he doesn't care about me. I've always hated him myself. I've always found him selfish and immature and disgusting in every way. But I never thought he could actually go this far. Especially to me.

Charlie and I got to the police station about half an hour ago

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Charlie and I got to the police station about half an hour ago. We didn't really talk much, we've just been waiting for my name to be called.

Officer - Mr. Nelson, happy to see that I could call you this quickly. With the very vague description that you gave us last time, I never thought we would find the guy this fast, but it's definitely him. We found the baseball bat a few houses away with your blood and his DNA on it. Although, there's something quite interesting about that actually, but I'll explain later. The guy is currently waiting in the interrogation room as we speak. Shall we?

He leads me down the hallway and into another room. I could feel my chest tighten, but Charlie held my hand the whole way so it made me somewhat more relaxed. The officer explains that behind the black screen in front of us, which is actually a one-way mirror, is the guy that attacked me. I can feel the stress coming back and my hands instantly start shaking. I don't know why I'm so stressed so I try to hide it, but Charlie definitely notices as he squeezes my hand. 

Officer - Are you ready?

I nod, not saying a word. He then presses a button that makes the screen see-through. 

C - Omg...

I gasp as I see my brother sitting in a chair looking around the room. My heart skips a beat and I quickly start to feel lightheaded. 

N - I need to sit down.

The officer gets a chair and looks at me with concern.

Officer - You know him, don't you? I figured you did since your DNA was very similar to his. Are you okay?

N - That's- he's- my brother.

Tears fill my eyes and make my vision even more blurred than it was before. My lungs beg for air as I stop breathing completely. My legs are now shaking too and I can feel a panic attack make its way through my whole body. Charlie instantly notices and kneels down in front of me.

C - Nick, look at me. Breathe. In through your nose, out through your mouth, like we always do. 

It has been a while since my last panic attack happened, so it makes it even scarier. I look at Charlie, trying to follow his breathing. 

C - That's good. Just focus on me, okay?

Officer - Do you guys need a minute?

C - Yes, please.

The officer switches off the screen, making it black again, and leaves the room. I struggle to find words.

N - Charlie I-

C - Hey, take your time. One thing at a time. Just focus on your breathing for now, okay?

He holds my hands tightly until they stop shaking. As soon as I can feel my breath getting a little more regular, I start sobbing uncontrollably. 

C - It's okay, come here.

He wraps his arms around me and stays still until I stop crying, or at least cry less.

N - It can't be him. Why would he- 

I pause, feeling my heart beat faster again. I take a breath and continue.

N - Why would he do this to me? To his own brother? I knew he was a dick, but I never thought he hated me that much.

C - I'm sure he doesn't hate you baby. I think he just has some serious issues and definitely needs help. I'm so sorry. I'm honestly out of words too.

I look at him, tears streaming down my face, and he hugs me tighter. The officer comes back a few moments later and tells me that David will be sent to prison for assaulting me. 

Officer - I will be taking him in very shortly. Would you like to talk to him beforehand?

I freeze and look at Charlie, searching for an answer. What am I even supposed to think right now? Part of me just thinks he needs help and doesn't want him to be sent to prison, but the other part of me doesn't want anything to do with him anymore. My whole body suddenly fills with pure anger.

N - No, take him away. And thank you for everything.

Officer - No, problem. Take care of yourselves, both of you. 

I turn to Charlie, take his hand in mine and run to the exit. A mix of anger and disappointment and sadness and hatred drown my thoughts to the point where I can't even think of anything anymore. 

N - I just want to go home.

C - Of course, let's go home.

I never thought David could do this to his own little brother.

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