2.2 - Hurt

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Recap: 7 years ago, Charlie was in a relationship with Ben and got abused mentally, verbally and physically by him.

TW: Swearing

*Charlie's POV*

C - Baby, I have something to ask you.

A week has passed since the attack and Nick has not been feeling better at all. I know he's been trying to hide it from me because he doesn't want me to worry about him. He also has nightmares and panic attacks more often, especially these days which does worry me a lot. He hasn't got out of the house in like 3 days and, honestly, I don't know what to do to make him feel better anymore.

N - Yes?

C - The whole Paris Squad is going out tonight. They're gonna go dance at the club. I thought maybe we should go and have some fun. What do you think?

N - Um... I don't know. I thought we were supposed to watch a movie tonight.

C - I know, but I just thought going out a little would maybe make you feel better. You haven't gotten out the house in days now. We could go have some fun with them.

I can see his whole expressions suddenly change to anger.

N - You really think I can just have fun and forget everything even happened?

C - No I- Sorry, I just thought it could've been cool.

N - Forget it. You can go though. Go have fun with them while I stay here and have panic attacks.

I can feel tears filling up my eyes as I can hear the resemblance of his words to Ben's back in the day. 

C - No need to snap back at me.

My voice breaks and the tears stream down my face. 

N - No need to snap back at you? My own brother literally attacked me with a baseball bat and broke down my car and I'm supposed to go have fun? Come on now. 

I have never seen him this angry and it honestly breaks my heart to peaces. There's no love or passion or hope in his eyes anymore. He looks at me like... like Ben looked at me...

C - Okay Nick, I'm sorry. I'm just trying my best here.

N - Trying your best Charles? Really? By having a little party after everything that happened to me?

C - Charles?... You- you never call me Charles. Seriously, what is wrong?

My tears are suddenly tears of anger too as I don't recognize my boyfriend at all. After everything that happened with Ben 7 years ago, I had promised myself to be stronger and not let anyone talk to me like he did... and that's exactly how Nick is talking to me right now.

N - You know what? Go ahead! Go have your little amazing, fun, and super cool party! I don't care. I'll just stay here. 

C - Are you fucking serious right now?

I surprise myself saying that since I rarely swear, especially not to Nick. He's looking at me in complete shock too before turning back to his angry self again.

N - Yes, I'm fucking serious Charlie. I can't believe you just expected to happily go to the party without even taking my feelings into consideration.

C - Wait, are you serious? All I've been doing is taking your feelings into consideration. I've been here supporting you and helping you and taking care of you and you dare to say that I don't care? Do you know who I hear right now? Hmm? I hear Ben's words coming out of YOUR mouth and I'm not gonna let that happen. I hope you're happy about that. 

I trail off and I can see Nick's face turn from anger to regret. I can feel him suddenly realize what he has been saying and feeling bad about it.

N - I never said you didn't care...

C - It is what you said though...

I walk towards the door, ready to leave at any moment.

N - Wait- Charlie-

C - No, it's too late now. The damage is done. I'm going to that party and you're staying here. Text me if ever something happens...

N - Char...

I open the door and head out without looking back. I start walking towards Tao's house, tears streaming down my face again. 

I never thought this would happen... never.

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