Chapter 2

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Have you ever considered how stable your life is? How little would it take for your reality to crumble? I never did. I thought that my life would go on as it was. But everything shattered that night. As I sit there and listen to my parents talk about the trip that they are sending us on. Hazel and Milo look excited to visit the so-called friends of our parents. Only I know that we are being sold to freaks, not visiting friends. The question nags at the back of my head, should I tell them? They deserve a chance to say goodbye

But it occurs to me that, I don't know for sure if my parents even took the offer or not. Maybe they just want to hide us from the woman and that's why they are sending us away. I should ask them first.

With all my courage, I raise my hand. "Excuse me, Father, May I ask a question"

Father makes an annoyed sound and says "What is it?"

"Um..does this have anything to do the lady from last night"

"What lady" Milo and Hazel ask.

Father and Mother give each other a guilty look that confirms my worst fears. The tiniest glimmer of hope fades.

", of course not, she was just a pleasant that wanted work," my mother says in a high-pitched voice. It doesn't matter what they say, their tone and their expression have told me everything I need to know.

They call my name as I run to my room and lock the door. I collapse on the bed letting all the anxiety that has been building inside me all night. The anxiety turns into sadness and the sadness turns into anger. I refuse to live in a cage all my life, I refuse to give up my freedom for safety. Like the bird chirping outside my window, I want to fly free.

One thing is clear to me, any place would be better than Ebba. The fact that there isn't a single person or place that I am upset about leaving confirms my doubt that I do not belong here.

And with that though I begin packing. 

In the living room, Hazel and Milo are dressed head to toe with matching luggage. My parents sit on the couch, drinking tea from the finest China cups. Everyone looks at me when I finally leave my room after 3 hours. They all look surprised to see my packed suitcase trailing behind me.

"You ready to go" hazel asks me, for once her voice is gentle.

I nod.

"Good, " Father says. I ignore him.

Milo gives me a smile which is his way of showing concern. I join my family.

"We are going upstairs, just leave when your ride arrives," Mother says and drags my father upstairs with her.

My siblings are unfazed, it's quite normal for them to not say a proper goodbye. Why do I still expect things like goodbye from them?

I try to comfort myself until the doorbell finally rings.

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