Chapter 4

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It's almost noon when we start seeing some stone houses and buildings covered in all types of plants. This place is definitely a city but it doesn't feel urban, it feels like a forgotten land, lost in time. The mist in the air feels like a dream, with no clear edges.

We start to make our way towards a hill and then I see the most beautiful sight ever. The most magnificent Castle stands there on a hill like a ghost, a silent observer of the kingdom below, and the clouds. It is an ancient structure. With tall and looming towers. A river smooth as glass, flows by the castle.

I gasp at the view, unable to contain myself. This is not the wicked city of destruction filled with savages that the people of Ebba gossip about. But then again, we are talking about the same people who idolise my family. That's no longer your family Alora, I remind mself.

We are escorted to the massive gates by the footmen.

A small pixie-like girl, around 19 years of age, with seafoam green coloured curly hair And bright green eyes, comes up to us and introduces herself "Hello, I am Valarie and you must be the Wood siblings, Oh, it's so nice to finally meet you.

I give her a polite smile and say "Myself, Alora Wood and this is my sister Hazel Wood and my brother Milo Wood. It's great to meet you too"

"Ah, such a charming young girl, Come on, let me show you your rooms"  

She leads us inside the castle and through the massive gates and I follow her up the narrow staircase, A thick mist of cold crisp air touches my face as a greeting. Soon we reach a corridor that contains a dozen doors. She stops in front of one of the rooms.

"Hazel, this is your room. And you two come with me."

" Wait, we have separate rooms," Hazel says

Valarie nods and then says "You kids will be just fine. The rooms have everything that you might need and if you ever need help then just ring the bells that are attached to the doors and someone will be there to assist you"

Milo looks around nervously while I give him an encouraging smile. Hazel grabs his hand and says to him

"It's fine, milo. Get some rest. I will find you no matter what"

  "And you," she turns to Hazel. should get some rest"

Milo nods and follows Valarie out of the room. I stand there for a second but realise that I will not receive a heartfelt goodbye, I exit the room as well.


After dropping milo off to another room. Valarie leads me to an elegant room  filled with sunshine with a huge canopy bed. The empty while marble walls make me feel uneasy, the walls of my room back at Ebba were always covered in all kind of drawings, poetry, posters and other random scraps.

"Something bothering you, dear?" Valarie asks.

"Nothing, I am fine" I reply.

"Oh, you must miss your home"

I scoff. "There is nothing to miss,"

"Why would you say something like that?" She seems genuinely concerned.

"Would you miss someone if they decide that you are not worth more than 10,000 quills to them?" I try to keep my voice from cracking.

She give me a sympathetic smile, "yes, because I am not like them. Hate consumes people, Alora. It ruins them beyond repair"

" And they are allowed to hate me?" I ask with tears in my eyes.

"They're your parents, I am sure they don't hate you"

"Then why did they give me away like that?" I snap as tears run down my cheeks.

I almost flinch when she hugs me. "Listen, Alora. You never belonged there. And you are going to thrive here, in foxtail, where you truly belong."


Valarie decides to sit with me for a while, until I cheer up. She tells all about how comfortable my life here at foxtail is going to be. According Queen Adella is the most kindhearted and peaceful woman that has ever occupied the throne. And she rescues children who have magic in them from ordinary places and helps them to reach their full potential.

I want nothing more than to believe her tale but deep down, I know that something is off. This is not the truth rather the perfect lie.

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