Chapter 3

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My parents avoid my eye when the very same lady shows up at our doorstep to pick us up, wearing a deep blue gown with little diamonds that look like stars in the twilight sky.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," she says, shaking Milo's  hand.

"It's nice to meet you too," Milo says

"And you must be Hazel " she greets Hazel and finally comes to me.

She gives me a knowing look as if she can see right through my soul. I surpass the urge to break eye contact and stare back at her.

She is definitely royalty, with a few carriages and horses. And about a dozen servants and footmen all dressed in matching red uniforms.

"Well, let's get going then. We have a long way to go" she says.

"Where are we going?" Hazel asks.

"Your parents haven't informed you? "

"They said that it was a surprise but I was hoping that you would tell us"

The lady raises an eyebrow."I see, get in the carriage, we will talk later"

We enter the carriage. The footmen help us load our luggage. The inside of the carriage is quite roomy and smells like cinnamon. As soon as we get comfortable, the carriage starts to move. It surprises me that we are going to travel through the forest.

"What has gotten into you? You stressed everyone out today" Hazel asks.

"Nothing, I am fine" What have I done to deserve being locked up here with her?

She sighs "Look, I am not stupid, I know that something is going on here"

"Oh, do you know?"

"Obviously, there is no way that these people are friends with Father. And considering your reaction you know something about it " she says.

"And we deserve to know" Milo adds.

I take a deep breath and tell them what I saw and heard that night.

They just stare at me with tearful eyes for a moment. then Milo starts sobbing, he tries to say something several times but stops himself. My hand reaches forward to comfort him but it's not enough, it will never be enough. 

I can't control my own tears, how can I stop his? I glance at Hazel. Her golden curls cover almost her entire face. I freeze as I take in her empty stare, she looks....dead. 

Milo eventually calms down but Hazel doesn't say a word. All she does is stare into the thick woodland, not a trace of moisture in her eyes.  

The chirping of birds and the sunshine that Dawn brings contradict the mood of the carriage but at least it seems like this horrid journey is coming to an end. Or maybe the journey is just getting started. 

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