Sunship Duo - Confessions

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Felt like making a oneshot thingy for Sunship Duo <3

(For context, it's basically those little oneshots where they're writing on pieces of paper during class or whatever)


Ran: Hey Aimee, whatcha need?

Aimsey: so, yk how I like that one person?

Ran: Mhm

Aimsey: well... I want to tell them soon :) but idk how

Ran: Omg, just do it, I heard they're LGBT+ too

Aimsey: wait they are?

Ran: That's what I heard

Guqqie: Hold up, who's LGBT? And who do you like, you never told me? Oh and sorry for interrupting

Aimsey: it's ok! it's someone at our lunch table tho

Guqqie: Okay so, me, you, Ran, Michela, Gravel, Shubble, Moonzy, Acho, Oki, Scott, Beky, and Caitees, right?

Aimsey: yeah I think that's everyone

Ran: Yeah it is

Guqqie: And you're gay asf, so all the afab people are me, you, Michela, Shubble, Moonzy, Beky, and Caitees

Ran: Yep that's true

Guqqie: Michela?

Aimsey: nope ;)

Guqqie: Shubble?

Aimsey: nooo

Guqqie: Moonzy?

Aimsey: nuh-uh :)

Guqqie: Beky?

Aimsey: try again ;)

Guqqie *a little disappointed*: So it's Caitees?

Aimsey: nope...

Guqqie *confused*: What do you mean? Who else would it be? Me? LOL 😂

Ran: Actually...

Guqqie: Ran, what do you mean "Actually..."?

Aimsey: Guqqie... I like you *draws half a heart*

Aimsey: I'm sorry, I never should have said anything- *Guqqie steals the paper*

Guqqie: Aims, I like you, too <3 *also finishes the other half of the heart Aimsey drew*

Aimsey: wait, actually?

Guqqie: Of course I do, you're perfect <3, wanna hang at my house tonight?

Aimsey: yeah! <3

Ran: *cries in single*


Idk why I thought of this, but I did and I like it :)


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