Chapter 1. Sam.

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A/N: Soo hiya~ this is my first Markiplier Fanfic soo.... I'm a little nervous...idky if this story will contain smut yet but lets just see where this goes ahaha All kinds of feed back is welcome :D

Sam tampered gently with her car key, raising a dark frustrated eyebrow as she jiggled it in the ignition. She let out a giant sigh as she jiggled it once more before turning it, waiting for it turn over. She prayed silently to herself that she would have enough money by the end of this month to be able to buy a new car. She had been saving for at least a year and a half- up to $10,000. It wasn't like she didn't love the car she had now, it had been with her through everything-from her leaving the southern spiciness and comfort of New Orleans to lively, sleepless Los Angeles.

Sam smirked and rubbed her dashboard in her reminiscing, her fingers grazing the red fleur-de-lis of her alma mater. She knew her parents were wary of her leaving to pursue her career in such a place but she felt like it was something she had to do and as soon as she graduated from UL Lafayette, she went on. There were a lot of oppurtunities for journalism graduates in L.A. and she was determined to make it work. For now, she was doing intern work at the L.A. Times and she loved everything about it....except for her car acting temperamental. She snapped out of her reverie and began to try and start her car again, being cautious of the engine flooding.

She let out a silent yes of happiness as her car finally started up. She patted her dashboard happily, a relieved smile playing on her full lips before putting her car in drive and starting down the road. She only had a few more hours before Cracker Barrel became crowded for dinner.


"...Thanks again to everyone for watching and I will see the next video. Bye-bye!"

Mark let out a huge sigh when he stopped recording and then saved the file onto his hard drive to edit later on. He stretched heavily as he rose up from the plushy seat, letting out a yawn. He ruffled his dark locks as he left his gaming room and headed into his bedroom to check his phone. He smirked when he saw a few text messages from his mother and one missed call from an unknown number. He hummed deeply to himself as he answered his mother's texts before rummaging through his closet for some clean clothes. He chewed on his lip as he considered the fact that he had a free day for the first time in forever. He had spent the morning sleeping in, his body feeling recharged from the long-needed rest. He finally picked out a simple black shirt and a pair of blue jeans.

He chuckled to himself as he heard his stomach grumble. He quickly grabbed his phone and pulled up his restaurant apps, perusing them carefully before he settled on Cracker Barrel. He was in the mood for some chicken and dumplings, his stomach grumbled in agreement. As soon as the order was placed, he combed his hands through his hair, a critical eye on the thick waves on his forehead. He adjusted his dark framed glasses before heading out the door. He knew that he would be able to get there just in time, knowing how far it was from his house. His dark eyes observed the road carefully before he pulled onto the road and headed to Cracker Barrel, the orange sun settling up to sleep in the sky.


Sam rolled her eyes as she shifted on her heels as she waited for her order. She hummed softly to the sound of 'Sweater Weather' playing throughout the restaurant to calm herself. She smiled softly at the older woman who gazed in her direction. Her keys jingling in her hand as her other pushed the thick, unruly waves from her face. Her doe eyes observed the workers that worked to get everyone their orders. She secretly blamed the managers who stood by and refused to help them out. She let out a soft sigh when more customers filed in, most of them families, a small group of singles and a young man filed in as well. Sam raised an eyebrow as she studied the man standing behind the group of talkative individuals who didn't seem to care about his presence. Something about him seemed familiar but she couldn't place his face. The order line moved forward and forward until everyone were standing on the other side, waiting for their number to be called. Sam looked back over at the man once more, taking in his features. He had dominant Asian features with hints of another ethnicity- a smooth light olive skin tone. He had dark, lustrous hair, sparkling dark eyes covered with dark framed glasses, a sensitive mouth that seemed to hold a hint of mischief and humor. He had a nice jawline, smattered with slight hair around it and over his upper lip. He stood silently undisturbed, even with the talking amongst him. Suddenly, his eyes darted over at her and she held his gaze. Sam could sense his uneasiness at her blatant rudeness and immediately wanted to apologize but he looked so familiar...

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