Chapter 3 The Throes of Attraction.

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Sam listened carefully to Mark's every word as he explained every step of the video editing process. She silently thought how vexatious and tiring it must be to have to go through it every single day, like he did but if it was what he loved to do then she wouldn't ask him about it. She gave him a smirk when he finally did look towards her, taking his eyes away from the computer for the first time in an hour.

"Am I explaining everything clearly? I know I might not be the best person at this type of thing. I'm trying really hard...," he explained, a little chuckle lacing his voice towards the end.

"Yeah, I understand everything, you're a great teacher,"Sam responded, making what seemed to be a small tinge of a blush appear on his features.

"Thank you...," he said silently before letting out a small sigh. "So, um, that's all that there is to it. Obviously, you have to do it a lot to get better at it but that's just the basics of what need to be done in order to edit a video,"

"Thank you so much for taking the time to teach me this. I know that you

probably don't do this for everybody so I am very happy that you

decided on me," Sam said with a smile.

She watched Mark's eyes light up slightly, his dark orbs filled with honest delight and the usual verve. He ruffled his hair softly before nodding his head in acknowledgement before checking out the time. Sam watched his mouth twitch very slightly as he crawled through his thoughts silently before he stretched, standing up from his chair.

"So are you going to PAX Prime?" he asked, trying to make conversation as he walked across the room.

"What is PAX Prime?" she asked curiously.

He turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow before smirking softly. "The Penny Arcade Expo. It's an exposition for gamers. It's really amazing if you're ever interested in going. There are live shows, panels, consoles that you can play and just whole bunch of gaming activities," he explained. "I'm a nerd, so I'm not surprised that you don't know what it is," he said jokingly.

"It sounds really amazing. I guess that you're going to be there," Sam said, smirking as she rose from her chair, her body stretching slightly.

"Yes, I will! A lot of you guys have been asking me if I'm going to be there and I really wanted to go as well. It begins around the end of this month so that'll give me enough time to get ready," Mark rambled as he continued as he unplugged his camera equipment to give it a rest from being used.

He felt how hot it was underneath his palm and decided to let it cool down. He turned to look at Sam, who stood, almost awkwardly in front of him. He quietly thought that he should have planned something else for them to do. He let out a heavy sigh before letting a smile spread across his face.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I should have thought of something else for us to do. I didn't expect for the whole tutorial thing to go so quickly," Mark said apologetically. "If you get too bored, I can take you home...,"

"Um, no, I'm fine. What would you like to do?" Sam said softly.

Mark blinked as he pushed back his suggestive thoughts before thinking clearly for a moment.

"Um...I guess we could watch a movie? I have a very modest DVD collection but it honestly will be one of the greatest things you ever see," Mark said, making Sam smile brighten.

They both walked into his living room and Sam sat on the couch as Mark got his Blu-Ray player ready. Sam swam through her thoughts at the moment. She wondered why he wanted to spend time with her. It was quite clear that he was an extremely kind person but he barely knew her. It wasn't like she minded at all, it just made her curious. She watched as he kneeled in front of the T.V., scanning through the movies that he had.

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