Chapter 4 .Liquid love.

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A/N: I having so much fun writing this! this chapter is a little slow but i promise things will pick up!!

The weeks went by slowly, the dragging days making Sam anxious. She would feel the swell of excitement whenever she would get a new text message or a call from Mark, who worked to keep his promise to her. Sam was amazed and enthralled by the various photos and videos that he sent her, displaying the events and activities art PAX. She wished she was there because of the excitement and the atmosphere that seemed to radiate from the videos and captured moments. The expressions of happiness and thrill; a huge contrast to what she had to deal with back in L.A., with her job and the drab routine of her everyday life. She didn't have any friends except for the acquaintances that she worked with. She never felt like she needed any. A few weeks in, she stopped receiving texts and calls from Mark. She just assumed it was because he was busy but it didn't fail to hurt a little. She reminded herself that he didn't have to do anything for her and she was grateful for what he was able to do for her. Sam smiled wistfully to herself in her thoughts as she sprawled out on her living room sofa, listening to Coldplay's 'Yellow'. The evening sun hanging in the sky, mellow and radiant, glazing the white walls of her apartment. Chris Martin's ethereal voice was interrupted by the sound of her phone buzzing on her stomach.

She raised an eyebrow before unlocking her phone and letting out a breath of surprise to see that it was Mark's name across her screen. She smiled and unlocked her phone to read the message sprawled across her screen.

MARK: Hey! I'm on my way back to L.A.!

Sam ruffled her wild hair before she checked the date on her phone. He had been gone for at least a month; she knew that he had to be completely exhausted. Sam thought for a moment before she decided to respond to him

Sam: Hi! Did you have fun?

MARK: Yeah. It was pretty awesome, not too much different from last year's though. I'm sorry that I had stopped texting you too. Everything just became a little overwhelming for me so I didn't have time.

Sam: It's fine! As long as you're okay J I really appreciate all that you were able to do so thank you so much.

MARK: Thanks! I should be back in L.A in two hours so if you wanted to hang out and catch up, we can go to the bar if you'd like.

Sam: Okay, that sounds awesome! Any place in particular?

MARK: Ehhh theres this bar near my house! im sure your gonna love it.

They exchanged information of where to meet at and Sam got up to get ready. She spent an hour in her closet, trying to find something to wear. She found herself wanting to impress him more than she did before. She finally decided on a black pencil skirt and a floral print crop top; the red roses, the green and white leaves and the black background of the shirt caught her eye. She thought about her choice of shoes carefully before she decided on a pair of black pumps. Sam immediately became timid as she washed up and got dressed, taking in the outfit on her body before sighing. She felt overdressed as she ran her hands over her curvy hips to straighten out her skirt. She didn't know why she was questioning her choices when she dressed like this all of the time, only wearing jeans to do quick runs. She ignored the self-conscious thoughts and began to apply her makeup. Her rose red lips and her kohl-rimmed eyes set off the unruly, brown waves on her head and the rest of her outfit.

Sam chewed on her bottom lip slightly, so not to smear her lipstick as she threw on a light leather jacket and went to her car. The image of Mark's smiling eyes appeared in her head and she found herself getting more excited and more nervous as she drove to the bar, the strong emotions colliding together into one, combusting inside of her. She took a deep breath as she focused on the road, trying to make it in one piece.

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