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Jaromir was taking me to the woods with bow and arrow in his hands. Well, to be honest I'm very nervous right now because this is my first time using the weapons and also my power. right then I heard another voice and that voice belongs to Zoraida Zeke's sister she told me "bow and arrow is not a weapon to kill someone sister Nesrin. It is used just to see how focused you are when an enemy is smirking in front of you" I smiled while patting her head and said "your brother raised you well" then I saw Zella coming towards me she came near me and said "well correction in your words sister Nesrin, these were not thought to us by Zeke but Asterin did" I made an 'O' face and went to the place where rest of them were. When I went there I was so amazed by the scene how sweet Asterin is treating her brothers, but I was the one who was jealous of Asterin and was hating her all the time.

As soon as she realized my presence with a cheerful smile she said "oh you're here, so let's start your first day of training shall we?" I nodded my head cheerfully and took out my sword and said "what is my first training?" then she chuckled and said "no no Nesrin, no sword on the first day! First we will start a meditation." When she mentioned the word meditation my world started to sink. Looking at my reaction Zeke said "well don't worry Nesrin even we started off with meditation when we came to know we are having powers within us, because only when you meditate you can come up with a clear mind to control your power." then I said "no Zeke I can control my power right now I have the mind for that"


Then I smirked and went near Zeke and whispered "as I said the plan should go on without any flaws. Understand?" and he nodded. Then I looked at Nesrin and said "ah is that so? Okay then look at Jaromir he is now hellion as you can see she wore a mask with red face as that crazy man is red creature so hellion is standing in front of you he made all the four of us unconscious so what will you do now?" As I asked them this, they took few steps back and rotated her palms few times and made the rock to peek outside of her hand and with heavy force it attacked Jaromir. then Luna said something which brought Nesrin back to her senses. "ah Asterin now I can understand why you didn't want me to perform this act. Thank god this dumb head did it" with pain Jaromir asked "yah what did you called me just now?" then I said "god! Stop it you both and Nesrin when you attacked Jaromir just now I can see anger in your eyes which you had for hellion but not the passion to save Mervillies, that will not work Nesrin. And that is why we are telling you to learn meditation." Then with glistening eyes Nesrin said "why can't I use my power normally?" then a voice interrupted my next word and that amazing interrupter in none other than Qila she came and said "who said you can't use your power normally? It's just you need the right mindset to focus on your power. if you give enormous amount of your power means it ends in a drastic way Nesrin. Hope you understand."

Saying this Qila left the place and that place was replaced by an evil lady named Zoe. She directly came towards Nesrin and said "ahh look who is trying to practice here. Well, let me tell you a secret Nesrin hellion is coming for your power. be careful [ha ha ha] she just laughed in her evil tone and then she looked at me and said "if you want her to escape save me first then I will give you a magic formula to control hellion." Hmm so he can be controlled by a magic formula but this wicked witch will not give that to us so I should think of some other thing. Then I smirked and said "well, the old rat is now having the courage to bring up an offer in front of us and also willing to help us so I'm sure that you are having an evil plan behind the offer you are giving us. And thank you for your concern we know how to save Nesrin and to be more precise Nesrin don't want anyone to save them. They can save them by themself understand now go away before I lose my good mood"

Then Zeke came in front of me and said "Asterin you are crossing your limit though I don't like her I cannot hide the fact that she is my mother you can't just spit nonsense in front of her" well to be honest I was taken back when Zeke spoke like that. Then I scoffed at him and said "are you being serious now?" then what he said made me feel terrible. "yes I am damn serious just because you are the only one who is having fire power in the whole village that does not mean you are the great okay? You are just a person full of pride and arrogance" he told those words grabbed his mother's hand and left from that place. Wow he just said all the things that were triggering him all the time. I just can't digest the words he said to me but okay at least he can sleep well tonight and those words won't be heavy in his mind.


I am dumbfounded right now. I don't know how to react at the way Zeke talked to Asterin right now. I really wanted to smack his head for talking to coco right now and now she is devastated. After some time Asterin came to us and said "I'm going to the cottage you give training to Nesrin I'm off" ah I have never seen my coco like this. What will happen to her if this continues...



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