Chapter Twelve: The Beauty and the Decepticon

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Meanwhile, back at the castle, Knockout was getting ready for tonight. He had asked a question that had changed everything. He was having a bath, explaining everything to Optimus, Arcee, Ratchet, and Elita-One.

"Well, I saw her in the ballroom and said, 'You're making everything look so beautiful. We should have a dance tonight'. I never imagined she'd actually say yes! What was I thinking?"

"No, Master. It's perfect!" Optimus said, "The rose has only four petals left which means tonight you can tell her how you feel."

Knockout stood up from behind the curtain, "I feel like a fool. She will never love me."

"Do not be discouraged. She is the one."

"I wish you'd stop saying that!" Knockout sat in front of his dressing table, "There is no one."

"You care for her, don't you?" Knockout nodded at Optimus' question, "Well, then, woo her with beautiful music and romantic candlelight."

"Yes, and when the moment's just right..." Elita-One giggled 

"Well, how will I know?" Knockout asked

"You will feel slightly nauseous," Ratchet told him

"Don't worry, Master. You'll do fine," Optimus assured Knockout

"Just stop being so nervous and tell Selena how you feel," Arcee told him, "Because if you don't, I promise you'll be drinking cold Energon for the rest of your days!"

"In the dark," Optimus added

"Covered in dust," Elita-One also added

"Dark and very, very dusty.

Optimus clapped his hands together, telling everyone it was time to prepare Knockout for his dance with Selena. They buffed Knockout's finish while Arcee helped to polish it. And a coathanger brushed Knockout's teeth just to be sure. As they worked, Elita-One cleaned up Knockout's face. They turned Knockout to the mirror to see his new look. But it didn't look right at all. Seeing how this idea didn't work out too well, Optimus was ready to try and fix it.

Meanwhile, in the East Wing, Airachnid had been dressing Selena in a green dress that opened at the front with a necklace with a Decepticon symbol on it, vine earrings that wrapped around her ear, a golden tiara with an emerald in the middle, and a purple bow to keep her hair in a ponytail. But, even so, Airachnid felt as if something was still missing. So, she had the golden vines hanging around the room turn into flakes and put themselves onto Selena's dress as some final, shining details. Now that she was ready, Selena stood at the stairs of the East Wing, waiting for Knockout.

When Knockout arrived, his finish was finally what it was supposed to be. A brilliant, cherry red with tattoo-like designs on the doors on his arms, and his face perfect and white. For the first time in years, he looked and felt great again. He felt like himself. As he saw Selena, he was starting to feel his nervousness go away. Besides, he was about to dance with the most beautiful girl he had ever met in years. They both made their way down the stairs to meet each other. When they did, the two held hands as Knockout led them down the final set of stairs.

'Tale as old as time. True as it can be. Barely even friends, then somebody bends unexpectedly.'

The two made it to the ballroom. Everything had been cleaned and shined for the two and every candle in the room had been lit.

'Just a little change. Small to say the least. Both a little scared. Neither one prepared. Beauty and the Decepticon.'

As they made their way into the center of the ballroom, Selena curtsied to Knockout while he bowed to her. Standing upright, Selena offered her hands to Knockout. He looked at her rather surprised that Selena was the one wanting to make the first move. Yet he didn't argue. He took Selena's hands and they began to dance.

'Ever just the same. Ever a surprise. Ever as before. Ever just as sure as the sun will rise! Tale as old as time. Tune as old as song. Bittersweet and strange. Finding you can change. Learning you were wrong.'

As they danced, the lights suddenly dimmed as Knockout pulled Selena close to him, slowly putting her in a dip before bringing her back up and lifting her, spinning her around.

'Certain as the sun. Rising in the east. Tale as old as time. Song as old as rhyme. Beauty and the Decepticon.'

As their dance ended, Knockout and Selena held hands as they made their way to the balcony.

'Tale as old as time. Song as old as rhyme. Beauty and the Decepticon.'

With arms linked, they both walked out onto the balcony where they looked out into the night sky. Knockout let out a breath as he finally took in the dance the two just shared

"I haven't danced in years," Knockout said out of breath as Selena laughed a little, "I'd almost forgotten the feeling."

Knockout caught his breath as he tried to think of what to say next.

"It's foolish, I suppose... for a creature like me to hope... that one day he might earn your affection," Knockout said, turning to Selena

Selena turned to him, "I don't know."

"Really? You think you could be happy here?"

Selena hesitated for a moment, making Knockout slightly worried as to what Selena might say.

"Can anybody be happy if they aren't free?" Selena asked Knockout.

Knockout didn't know how to respond, knowing that the only thing in the way of them loving each other may be Selena's lack of freedom. Perhaps even his too. Both were trapped in this castle for two different reasons. Both reasons were just as bad. But Knockout knew he made a mistake by trying to trap Selena here. The two stayed quiet, looking out to the night sky.

"My mother taught me to dance," Selena broke the silence, "I used to step on her toes a lot."

"You must miss her," Knockout commented, no longer feeling hate towards her mother.

"Very much."

Knockout then got an idea, "Would you like to see her?"

Taking her to the West Wing, Knockout showed her the mirror he would use to see anything he wanted. This would also show Selena her mother at this very moment. Giving her the mirror, Selena asked it to see her mother. Only to see a sight she never expected to see. Jac was being thrown around by the three men Paul had called forward. But they seemed to be dragging her somewhere as they weren't in the tavern

"Mama! What are they doing to her? She... She's in trouble!"

Seeing the scene, Knockout knew what choice he had to make, "Then you must go to her."

Selena looked at him in surprise, "What did you say?"

"You must go to her. No time to waste."

Knockout didn't know if this was the right or wrong choice, but he didn't want to be responsible for forcing Selena to stay in the castle while her mother was being hurt or worse. While he wouldn't do it for his own father, he knew how much Selena cared for her mother. And it would be cruel of him not to let Selena go to help her mother. Realising that he was letting her go, Selena tried to hand the mirror back. But Knockout stopped her.

"No... you keep it with you. Then you'll always have a way to look back on me," Knockout told her

"Thank you."

Selena started to walk away. But she was still unsure that Knockout was letting her leave. But, when he showed no signs of stopping her, she started to rush off, knowing that her mother needed her now. Knockout watched her leave with pain in his eyes. He didn't want to let her go. But he also knew that this was the best choice. And he wasn't going to force himself to change his mind.

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