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Fri, Oct 13

With such strong potential for transformation in your world, anything is possible. As Mars encourages deep inward looking and facing fears, you're helped to understand why certain personality traits or habits affect you the way they do. Some honest self-examination can help you become a better version of yourself. Accept support to help your head and heart sync with what needs to change.

Fri, Oct 13

With passionate Mars aiming its energy at your relationships and commitments, a message is clear: you don't have to carry all responsibilities alone! Others are willing to lend a hand, but you may need to ask for help, especially if you've recently sent out an “I don't need anyone's help” vibe. Don't be afraid to speak up. You could welcome and appreciate who responds quickly to your call.

Fri, Oct 13

Mars now shifts its energetic focus from encouraging you to indulge and enjoy life's finer things to self-improvement. This is a bit like someone arriving early in the morning to a house where an all-night party was held. There is work to be done to create a healthier structure where indulgence has been a priority. But you'll feel better once you get a healthy routine back on track - or in place!


Fri, Oct 13

Passionate, energetic Mars wants to bring a special kind of excitement and unexpected fun to your world. Laughter, lightheartedness and indulging with others or someone who means the most to you are all cosmically supported. Letting your hair down and allowing life to be less serious are just as important as any other needs, so indulge guilt-free in whatever way inspires you!


Fri, Oct 13

Make-things-happen Mars influences home and domestic matters, and your abode could receive a boost of effort in more than one area. So, if you have spent more time looking at what needs to be done within your dwelling than tackling it, you could find the motivation to deal with outstanding tasks or chores. If pals or family come to visit, you won't skimp on effort to make them feel at home, too.

Fri, Oct 13

Your To-Do List could appear frustratingly longer as Mars enhances distractions to the point where you feel pulled in umpteen directions. But remind yourself that busy and in-demand people are the most interesting! In other news, you may not have to travel far to mingle or have some fun. You never know what stranger could become a friend within a short distance of your home if you make an effort.


Fri, Oct 13

Mars takes a keen interest in your security and what can be done to strengthen it. But your focus could be drawn strongly to what you need to feel more stable, especially financially, rather than what you think might suffice. You'll need to get to grips with what is lacking or unstable and what you can do to change it. Mars can help highlight the way and boost your effort, but you must do the rest.

Fri, Oct 13

You have all the firepower needed to achieve your goals! Mars in your sign provides you with plenty of energy, but real magic can happen as the fiery planet collaborates with rewarding Saturn. Don't let anything intimidate you because what appeared unachievable can be revived, embraced and pursued. The sooner you knuckle down and get going, the sooner you'll cross an important finish line.

Fri, Oct 13

You might decide you've had enough of being available or sociable. So, don't be surprised if you feel a need to withdraw or indulge in quality “you time.” Self-care is a priority, and pampering yourself in a way that makes you feel warm, secure and happy is cosmically supported! You will be better able to care for others later if you harness energy and effort toward taking care of yourself now.


Fri, Oct 13

If you've recently ticked essential career-related boxes, you'll probably be glad to shift your focus to fun and frivolity on offer socially. So, dial back empire building to spend time with people who make you happiest. Even if you can't get together physically, reach out to a chum or two in other ways. See what you can do to meet, mingle and network. You've earned this.

Fri, Oct 13

Focus and effort you may have given to travel or mind-broadening pursuits since the end of August can now be directed toward your career. “Mind-broadening” involved thinking bigger, bolder or more adventurously, and that train of thought can help with professional progress now. A shift in attitude or seeing your career from a fresh perspective are the first steps to embarking upon a new trajectory.


Fri, Oct 13

You might feel tempted to broaden your horizons now - and find resisting difficult! You're helped to look beyond your immediate world and consider what you may miss out on as passionate Mars stimulates mind-broadening pursuits and new perspectives. The keyword is “learning,” whether it involves new subjects, cultures or cuisines. One comfort zone's days could be numbered, too!



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Unfortunately I can't post about it constantly, so this can be useful for you.

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