Confusion and Angst (Johnnie Pov)

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*Jake angst*

I got up from the couch, to the kitchen. I couldn't help but notice that Jake always seems to act weird whenever we're home and not out in public. he just seems more nervous than usual. my thoughts came to a halt as I heard footsteps enter the kitchen, following me behind. I turned around to be met with Jake. "do you need something?" I asked, searching his gaze for an answer. 

He looked down, nervously "I-I'm ready to talk..." He said quiet enough for me to hear. I grabbed his arm, gently and led him back to the living room, motioning for him to sit next to me on the couch. he sat down, not giving me any eye contact, still staring at the ground. 

He finally looked up, looking me in the eyes. "Johnnie. I feel like shit." he said. he looks like he's about to cry. I gave him a look of concern and understanding and nodded for him to go on. "I can't stop thinking about her." he choked out, with one tear rolling down his cheek. I gently placed my hand on his cheek to wipe away the tear, still listening to him. I looked at him in slight confusion as his face turned a small shade of pink.

he let out a long, heavy sigh "W-We broke up, b-because..." he broke off and tore his gaze away from mine, almost as if he's too scared to say. I wrapped an arm around his shoulder, rubbing it, comfortingly. "Because I'm in love with someone else....." he whispered, only loud enough for me to hear. "A-And she found out before I could tell her." he said, in a saddened tone. 

"I feel like such a bad person for hiding that from her. we're friends now, but it still hurts that things ended like this." He said quietly, staring at the ground. I grabbed his chin and gently turned him to look at me. "Jake. you're not a bad person. you love someone else and that's fine. Tara is a very understanding person and you can't control how you feel." 

he looked me in the eyes and just simply nodded before pulling me into a hug. taken aback at the sudden physical contact, I hugged him back, wrapping both arms around him. I relaxed into the warmth. "Thank you." he whispered in my ear. "No problem." I whispered back. I noticed that we were like this for almost five minutes. "Umm Jake, you can let go of me now." I said, jokingly. he immediately let go of me, his face flushed a shade of pink. 

"Sorry." he said quickly, his face turned a darker shade of pink. "It's fine." I reassured him, putting my hand on his shoulder. he nodded in response and relaxed on the couch. we both sat in silence, until Jake spoke up. "are you hungry?" he asked, pulling out his phone. I never even noticed my growling stomach. I was so focused on Jake. "Yeah, a little bit." I said. "Is Burger King alright?" he asked, looking at his phone. "Yeah, I don't mind." I responded. 

*Time Skip*

We both finished our food. feeling a lot better now, I decided to just chill in the living room. I noticed that Jake was gone 'probably in his room.' before I could get even a minute of time to myself, I heard Jake's loud ass footsteps getting close to me. before I had time to react, I felt two hands on my shoulders, making me flinch, startled. "you down to record a video?" he asked, whispering in my ear. I felt his breath touch my neck as he spoke. I shivered "Yeah, I'm down. what did you have in mind?

I shortened this one too. sorry :(

eventually all the chapters will be edited. 

I'm not a very fast writer, so these will all take time.

I'm not really good at writing angst, so sorry if this is bad

I'll have more time on the weekends when I don't have school.

Love you guys :)

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