A Dragon's Story

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Aoi has a fraternal twin sister named Yoko but the two never met because they were separated at birth by their father who worked at a secret Umbrella lab facility and wanted to experiment on them. He and his coworkers had created a new virus, known as the "F-Virus", that when injected into someone, will turn them into mutant animal creatures with human characteristics such as being able to talk and walk like a human. What happened to the twins' mother is unknown but Aoi and Yoko were immediately taken into the facility's hospital area and then put in separate rooms in a different area of the facility that was a nursery of some sort.

The twins were watched via cameras in their rooms to monitor how each twin reacts to different things such as colors, pictures, toys, etc. Their health was also checked daily and several checkups were performed. This would later determine if both daughters are healthy enough to receive the virus injection. After a few days of constant monitoring, it was clear both twins were healthy enough and their personalities were also already assumed. Aoi was a super cheerful and playful kid, while Yoko seemed disinterested in most things and seemed quite reserved. The father quickly noticed his daughters were polar opposites of each other and had a feeling Aoi would be the weak one. The friendly one. The softie.

About a week later, the twins were individually brought back to the lab where they'd receive the injection. The F-Virus is just the main base. If animal DNA, hybrid or not, is added to the base, whoever receives the virus will transform into whatever animal's DNA was added to said base. The father, whose name is also unknown as well as the mother's name, had captured this fluffy dragon creature known as a Dutch Angel Dragon. Given Aoi's personality, he thought this dragon species would fit her quite well. The F-Virus was mixed together with the DNA of the Dutchie and Aoi got injected with it. Slowly but surely, Aoi started to grow blue and yellow fur and transformed into a Dutch Angel Dragon! It looks like the new F-Virus seems to be a success! Although her dad did notice that Aoi had two different colored paw pads! The toe pads were light blue but her big middle paw pads were not only pink but HEART SHAPED!? Aoi's dad didn't quite understand how or why that happened yet, but he theorizes it may have something to do with Aoi's personality. Before he knew it, two big blue eyes were staring back at him as the very fluffy dragon bean was laying on her back. Aoi's dad chuckled a bit at the sight of his now dragon daughter. His coworkers praised him and cheered him on that he got the brand new F-Virus to work its magic! Up next, Aoi's sister Yoko also got the injection. Her F-Virus base had been mixed with DNA of a captured Eastern Dragon. Yoko also successfully transformed into a dragon and the twins got yet another checkup to see if everything was still okay with them after the transformation. Once the checkup was complete, the baby dragons were brought back to their rooms and continued to be monitored.

Once the dragons grew up, they had to eventually endure these tests where they'd fight against animals and creatures either created in the facility's lab or who have been captured so everyone at the facility could determine what skills each dragon had, who was the strongest out of the two, and what their natural fighting instinct was like so that perhaps one or both of them could become weapons or assets used by Umbrella Corporation. As predicted by her father, Aoi wasn't a very good fighter because she'd rather avoid confrontations and deep down, she was a big softie and didn't have the same natural fighting instinct as her sister, but she still tried her absolute best. During one of the battles, the poor fluffy dragon bean lost her left eye to one of the creatures sent to fight her and even left a nasty eye scar too. Despite the pain and being a lot weaker than Yoko, Aoi still managed to claim victory every time by using her instinct and skill set. It seems like she's able to breathe fire and is quite good at using her claws, especially her tail! She uses her tail like a strong whip and it has quite a bit of knock back power! Who would've thought that fluffy tails could hold such strength? She was able to fly as well using her black feathery wings. However, losing her eye made Aoi's dad very disappointed in her and decided to continue with Yoko's training while canceling Aoi's and came up with a plan to get rid of her. Very few knew of the facility's existence, but one of the people who did know was Mother Miranda, and she was often in contact with him and visited the facility a few times as well. The father knew of Miranda's search for a new vessel and that her previous vessels or rather experiments, all weren't the success she hoped for. Even though Aoi was already a creature herself, maybe she could still be a vessel for Miranda so he contacted her and told her about Aoi.

Aoi Beneviento's BackstoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora