(Bonus) Aoi's Info

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Aoi, whose full name is Aoi Beneviento, is a Dutch Angel Dragon

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Aoi, whose full name is Aoi Beneviento, is a Dutch Angel Dragon. Her main colors are blue and yellow.

Aoi was born as a human baby together with her fraternal twin sister named Yoko. However, they were immediately separated at birth so the two never got to know each other as they spent most of their lives locked up in separate rooms being monitored at some sort of secret or unknown Umbrella Corporation facility. About a week later, the twins were brought back to the lab area at the facility and were injected with a virus that would turn them into dragons. Aoi became a Dutch Angel Dragon, while her sister became an Eastern Dragon. Unfortunately, Aoi lost her left eye during one of the battles she was put through to one of the creatures at the facility, and was determined to basically be a failure by her father, who already favored the much stronger Yoko. Because of this, Aoi was transported to Mother Miranda in a village somewhere on a mountainous region of Eastern Europe.

Miranda wanted the dragon for how own experimentation, and hoped Aoi would be the perfect vessel to revive her daughter, as all her previous human experiments had either died, turned into a lycan or other creature, or had undesirable "additions" that made them unfit to be vessels. Perhaps someone who was already a creature would produce a more desirable outcome. Unfortunately for Miranda, she was wrong and after Aoi had woken up from a successful cadou implementation surgery, she took Miranda by surprise and managed to escape after attacking the priestess. After Aoi's escape, she ended up at House Beneviento, where nonother than Donna Beneviento lived. Aoi was taken inside after she fell asleep at the front door from exhaustion and after several months, lived a very happy and successful life at Donna's mansion, being the best of friends with Lady Beneviento and becoming her forever guardian angel dragon! Aoi also became a huge fan of Resident Evil and became a fourth wall breaker thanks to Karl Heisenberg's consoles and Resident Evil collection, which Donna had taken home for Aoi after she lived there for quite some time!

Aoi spent most of her teenage and adult life living at House Beneviento as a Dutch Angel Dragon, thanks to that virus from the facility, and she's also capable of communicating, talking, and behaving just like a human would which is also thanks to that virus! So Donna and Aoi had no troubles communicating with each other. Some of Aoi's favorite foods are pizzas, curries and hamburgers! According to Aoi, Donna not only makes the best pizza, but is overall a wonderful chef and baker! She also views Donna as her mother.

Aoi is a very sweet, gentle and friendly dragon who loves hugs and headpats! She loves helping others whenever she can, especially her friends, those she cares about, and especially Lady Beneviento, of course! She is mostly very friendly but can actually also be quite tough and aggressive when necessary, like towards bullies or when it comes to protecting Donna and House Beneviento.

Aoi may not be the strongest, but she's still pretty good at using her own unique fighting skills, such as using her strong fluffy tail as a powerful whip, and breathing fire! Thanks to the cadou, she's received another very special power that allows her to shoot pink flames out of her pink heart shaped paw pads! Some of these pink flames are even heart shaped too! Aoi didn't know she had the cadou implemented inside her at first, but she soon came to know more thanks to Donna and due to playing Resident Evil Village.

Aoi still has never met her twin sister Yoko, and neither does she know that her father was behind the virus and worked at the facility that she used to live at. She doesn't know her real mother either and it is unknown what happened to her.

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