Chapter 5:The Day that changed our lives

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Naomi POV

   It was now the day of the field trip. I was really nervous about going. I'm always nervous when I'm out in public. I was just sitting in my bedroom staring into my closet debating what I should wear. I had a lot of clothes to choose from and just couldn't decide.

I sat there for a few more minutes when Mae came running into my room. She seemed happy but also a little freaked out.

"I have nothing to wear, can I borrow something of yours?" she said really fast.

"Go ahead, if you can find something in there" She went over to my closet, and when she saw all of the clothes she looked back at me. "Yea there's nothing in here" I knew she was being sarcastic, so I just rolled my eyes and laughed.

She then dove into the pile of clothes looking for something. She pulled out a pair of my blue ripped shorts and a yellow tank top and threw them towards me.

"Wear that it's gonna show off your hips" I shook my head and laughed again.

"Fine, I'll wear it," I say, I take the clothes and go to my bathroom to change. When I'm in there I feel everything get really quiet. It messed with my anxiety at first so I hurried and changed.

I look in the mirror and damn I'm fine. I walk out of my bathroom to see Mae laying in my bed in the outfit she picked out. It was a black and white outfit. The two of us then walked out of the room and downstairs to the living room where everyone was. They were oddly quiet for some reason. It made me suspicious but I left it alone. Besides, I'm sure I will find out later.

Katsu POV

     Naomi and Mae walked downstairs and Naomi was looking too fine. She looked really good in those shorts. I mean in a friendly way of course. When they walked in the front room we all got up so we could leave out.

We started walking to the bus stop and I couldn't take my eyes off Naomi, she was so cute, like amazingly cute. But anyway as I was staring at her Aiyaary walked up to me and said

"If you're gonna keep staring at her ass you might as well just slap it" " I got flustered and started to blush, I didn't even know I was looking at her ass.

Aiyaary POV

      I told Katsu to stop looking at Naomi's ass cause I wanted to see him get all nervous and it worked.

We got on the bus and I was sitting next to Kiyoshi when I got a text from Elijah. We haven't had much time to hang out lately because we have both been busy. And it wasn't helping that we were going on this field trip and he was home sick. I missed my boo but he would never know that.

We made it to school and were told that all sophomores were meant to report outside to wait for the bus so that's what we did. We sat at an outdoor table waiting for the bus and we were all just talking and having fun.

I saw Naomi trying to talk to Katsu but he and  Kiyama were talking and not paying any attention to her. She sighed and walked over to me and Hikari.

"Did you see that, it was like I was a ghost to them" she said frustrated.

"We definitely saw," Hikari responded, shaking her head. I just threw my arm around her and gave her my best British accent.

"Cheer up Lad adventure awaits" her and Hikari laughed

"That was horrible" Kiyoshi's voice interrupted.

I rolled my eyes. He just had to be a buzz kill.

"Do better then" I challenge him. He gives me a smirk and clears his throat. 'Oh lord, what have I started?' I think to myself.

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