A Hidden Knife

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Mira gritted her teeth, and pulled the stitches from her leg. Blood dripped down her thigh, and Mira pressed a piece of fabric to the cut until it stopped bleeding.

Mira wrapped her leg in bandages, and then stood up. The gash ached, but it didn't bleed through the bandages.

Mira sighed with relief and laid face first on the bed. The silken sheets were cool against her bare skin, and Mira felt relaxed for the first time in days. Even during the party, while Mira danced and laughed, the wound in her leg screamed at her to sit down. Mira just closed her eyes when a sharp rap on the door had her jolting upright, clutching the knife from under her pillow with a pounding heart.

Eyes wide, Mira stared at the door, waiting. When it didn't immediately swing open, Mira gently stepped out of bed and rearranged the sheets so it looked like no one had slept in them. Mira crouched down, and her eyes darted to her wardrobe, then to the window. Her heart hammered in her chest. There was a second rap on the door, and Mira started reaching under her bed for her sword. Mira cupped her hand over her mouth to muffle the sound of her frantic breath.

There was no third rap, instead a letter was slid from under the door. Mira let out a sigh of relief but waited until she heard the footsteps disappear.

Mira walked across the cold floor and picked up the letter. Sealed with red wax was the sigil of the queen.

Mire broke the seal with her thumb and took out the letter. Before she started reading, Mira cracked open the door and looked out. There was a package outside the door. Mira pulled it into her chamber, then closed the door quietly behind her.

Mira scanned the letter. It was simple, it only said she did a good job, and that the queen wished to see her again tomorrow. Thank the gods. Mira thought as her heart slowed.

Mira sat down on the floor and opened the package using her knife and her nails. It was large and heavy. Hadn't the queen said it was from her, Mira might have thought someone was inside, trying to break into the palace. Mira chuckled at the thought, then opened the box all the way.

Inside, beautiful gowns of all different colors, with jewels embroidered onto them were neatly folded. Mira stared in awe. Just one of these gowns would have cost a fortune. Mira supposed she should be used to this kind of luxury. She had served the queen for years–she was no stranger to riches and fine things. Mira unpacked the box and found at the bottom a suit of armor.

Armor Mira will never wear, because she was no longer a footsoldier. Because Mira was the kind of weapon that needed to be fast and silent, and heavy armor that clanked would just slow her down. I'm durable, Mira thought with pride as she put the silver suit of armor back into the box, and started taking the dresses and jewels out. I don't need a stupid suit of armor. Ropes of pearls, crowns, and tiaras were gently placed into Mira's jewelry box, while the armor stayed untouched.

Mira played about for a while, trying on jewelry and playing games she remembered from her childhood. Dancing, Mira picked up the armor. With a little disdain, she put it away, and found at the bottom of the box she found a knife.

The cold hilt fit perfectly into the palm of Mira's hand. It wasn't bejeweled, but it had a small carving into the hilt. A star and a sun. The sigil of Mira's estate. It filled Mira with longing. She hadn't realized how much she wanted to be home. Mira sat on the floor and sulked, with her head in her hands.

Mira hadn't been home in months. She was hardly there anymore, with all of the queen's missions, especially since her foster mother's retirement. Mira thought of her estate fondly, with its rolling hills and the horses she picked out by hand. Her few servants, most of whom Mira had known since childhood. Her cats and dogs. Eveningside was home to Mira, even if she was never there.

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