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Asa pulled her hood over her face as she walked through town. It didn't matter that these people had known her her entire life, because the soldiers didn't, and she wanted to keep it that way.

Asa took the backroads until she reached the fence. Asa climbed over it. She narrowly avoided ripping her skirt but ended up falling in the mud.

"Dammit," Asa muttered under her breath. There was a cat curled up under the porch. Asa furrowed her brow, and since her dress was already filthy, she kneeled down in the mud and reached under for the cat. Its claws ripped her skin, but Asa grabbed it and pulled it out from under the steps. The cat hissed and clawed at Asa. She held it away from her as she rapped on the door.

A man swung the door open. Asa pretended not to notice the knife in his hand.

"Asa?" he asked.

"Is this yours?" Asa said with a drawl. The man took the cat from her arms. The cat flicked its tail irritably, but it didn't try and run away or scratch the man.

"Thank you, we thought she ran away," the man said. He said it without any gratitude in his voice–or any emotion at all. Asa cleared her throat and reached into her bag.

"Do you have lavender?" she asked. The man at the door blinked.

"No, but I can get some," he said, drawn out of his trance.

"Have Jamie drink this, but apply lavender to the wound itself," Asa said and handed over the potion. The man at the door inhaled sharply.

"This–this will save him–Asa, Jamie will live?" the man grabbed Asa's shoulders, and a smile split his face.

"I told you, Torin," Asa said. Torin started tearing up.

"Thank you," he said. Asa nodded and pulled her cloak lower down her face. She looked left and right.

"I don't have much time until the next patrol comes...just be sure to apply the lavender over the wound. After the potion takes effect, wash out the wound." Asa explained. Torin nodded rapidly.

"How can I repay you?" Torin asked. Asa shook her head.

"I–shit!" Asa said when a guard turned down the block. She shoved past Torin, into his kitchen. She slammed the door behind her and slid to the ground.

"Do you think they saw?" Torin asked. He drew the blinds.

"Let's hope not," Asa said. "Do you mind if I stay the night? Just in case they did see anything, so I don't have to sneak back out."

"Not at all," Torin said. Asa stood up and wiped her hands on her skirt.

"While I'm here, I might as well do it myself," Asa said. She bent down to unlace her boots, which were caked in mud. She took the potion from Torin's hand and walked over to Jamie, who was lying across the island in the kitchen.

"Thank you," Torin said hoarsely. "Asa, what–how can I repay you?"

"You don't have to," Asa said. "Shit, I think I have lavender, give me a minute."

"Asa, I have to repay you somehow–" Torin said. Asa shook her head.

"No you don't," Asa said. "I'm not asking for anything." Torin scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Asa, you can't be doing all of this for free. Why can't you take something? Anything?" Torin asked. Asa searched through her satchel for her lavender. "Bread, even."

"I make my own bread," Asa said. She found her dried lavender and displayed it proudly.

"Asa, please, let me pay you. You're saving Jamie's life, I want to make it up to you." Torin said. "I don't know what I would have done without you." Asa sighed.

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