Blazing fires

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"Your country is very beautiful, Princess," Samirah said. Adar was having a meeting with Thirza, and that left Bella and Samirah on their own. To amuse themselves, they played dress-up with the others' clothes, while laughing and eating sweets. Samirah was behind a fabric screen, and she emerged dressed in an old gown of Bella's, with an old shaw covering her shoulders. It made her look like an old woman, and Bella burst out laughing. "But since we're friends, I'll confess: I truly don't like the people of this court." We're friends! Bella thought in delight.

"Since we're friends I shall confess: I don't like them either," Bella said. She raised a hand to her forehead dramatically. She froze and studied Samirah's reaction. When Samirah laughed, Bella let out a sigh of relief.

"They're so...nosy," Samirah said. "And judgmental."

"That is a perfect summary of what it's like to live here," Bella laughed. Samirah opened her mouth to speak when the maidservant came in.

"Your Highness, you have a visitor," she said. She curtsied, and Bella blushed uncomfortably.

"Oh, erm, send her in," Bella said. She didn't usually get visitors. Bella looked to Samirah for guidance, but Samirah only shrugged. The door opened, and Bella was very aware of how she was dressed in another woman's too-tight clothes, and how Bella's own clothes were thrown across the couch and her bed.

Countess Mira came in, and Bella saw Samirah tense beside her. The countess bowed low, and Bella returned the gesture. Samirah copied.

"Your Highness," the countess said, still bowed low. Bella rose, and Mira did as well. "I wasn't aware you already had a visitor. I shall come back at a better time–"

"That–You needn't," Bella said. The young countess' eyebrows rose ever so slightly.

"Excuse me," Samirah said. She nodded her head to Bella, then ducked out of the room. She sent the countess a glare over her shoulder.

"Sit," Bella said. She didn't like how much it sounded like a question. "What made you decide to come here?" Bella said, tripping over her words.

"I understand what it's like to not have many allies in court," Mira said. She put her hand over her heart. There was a scar over her collarbone, Bella noticed. Bella's stomach dropped when she realized Mira might have heard Bella say to Samirah that she didn't like the members of the court.

"I don't know what you mean," Bella said. She tried to make it sound like she wasn't as frightened as she was.

"Please," Mira laughed. She leaned forward. "I'm not much older than you. I understand what it's like. When I first came to court, I didn't have anyone in my corner either."

"How old are you?" Bella asked. She cringed at her own rudeness.

"One-and-twenty," Mira said. Bella hid her surprise. She was surprised that a renowned war hero was so young. Bella looked Mira up and down. She looks older. Bella thought. She saw worry lines across Mira's forehead. There was a moment of silence.

"Respectfully, what does that have to do with me?" Bella asked. Mira smiled.

"If you ever want someone you can trust to speak to, I'm always here," Mira rose up. Bella opened her mouth, then closed it.

"Good evening," Bella said. Mira curtsied. As soon as she stepped out the door, Samirah came back in.

"You can't trust her," Samirah said. Bella was taken aback.

"Why not?"

"She's trying to make it seem like she's the only person trustworthy, so you'll go to her," Samirah said.

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