Awkward Encounter

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Hyunjin's pov

It's been two weeks since the party, and Felix and I haven't had a chance to talk about it. But honestly, that's okay by me because it was pretty embarrassing for me. 

I think I've moved on from whatever I was feeling, at least I hope so. Right now, my main focus is on the upcoming exams, and that's why you'll find me at the school library every day, studying with Miko.

I know it might seem a bit unusual that I'm hanging out with her now, but she's been treating me like her usual self again. She's actually pretty smart, not as much as I am, but she's a great study partner. 

It's clear she's still into me as she occasionally touches my arm or lets her leg brush against mine under the desk. To be honest, it's been nice because I've been feeling pretty lonely these past two weeks. 

Felix is still with my friend group, which makes it a bit awkward for me to be around them. So, escaping to the library with Miko has been quite convenient.

"Jinnie, we've been at this for 3 hours. Can you take me out for dinner, please?" Miko asks, giving my sweater sleeve a little tug. I check the time; it's 7 PM, and she's right, it's getting late. 

"Mhm, you're right. What are you in the mood for? I'll treat you," I reply, my voice betraying my exhaustion.

We head to my car, and I drive her to a fancy Korean BBQ restaurant. While we're waiting for our food, Miko takes some pictures of me and posts one on her social media story. 

As I look at the picture, I can't help but think we might come off as a couple on a date. I wonder if it might be a good idea if she and I started dating.

Suddenly, I hear a deep voice at the entrance of the restaurant, and my heart sinks as I recognize it immediately. 

Fortunately, I'm sitting with my back to the entrance, so I can pretend not to notice that Felix is here.

"A table for two, a cozy one would be perfect," I hear him say. Is he on a date? Why do I feel a pang of jealousy? 

I can't resist turning my head slightly to catch a glimpse of his company. To my surprise, he's walking alongside a tall guy, even taller than me, looking like he could easily lift me with a single finger. 

I swallow hard and quickly look away. "Is that Felix?" Miko whispers. "Mhm, I guess..." I reply, trying to sound disinterested. "Jinnie, we should say hi. He's your friend, right?" she insists. I shake my head, saying, "I can't stand that boy, you know? He really pisses me off."

Felix's Pov

Just about a week ago, I got an Instagram DM from this guy named Atlas. He's pretty good-looking dude, with a jacked body. We've been chatting for the past week, and he's actually really funny and sweet. 

Ever since that night at my place with Hyunjin, I've been wondering about my own sexuality. And when Atlas asked me out on a date, I figured, why not? It could be a good way to, you know, figure things out.

"Felix, do you want to order already?" Atlas asks me, making me look up from my menu. "I can't really make decisions easily. What are you ordering? I'll just take the same thing..." I answer him gently. 

He smiles and shakes his head, "Well, I'm taking Dakgalbi, but since that's way too spicy for you, I think you should order Bulgogi, which is sweet just like you." 

Oh god, he's charming. I blush and try to hide my redness behind my hand. He takes my hand away from my face and holds it as he places our hands gently on the table.

As we're in that romantic setting, I feel a pair of eyes piercing from the side. When I avert my gaze in that direction, I lock eyes with the one person I hoped it wouldn't be: Hyunjin. 

He looks upset, and my instant reflexes make me pull my hand away from Atlas's. I don't know why; it's not like I didn't like holding hands with him.

"Did I do something wrong, Lix?" Atlas asks in reaction to my sudden change of mood. "No ofcourse not, it's fine. I need to use the bathroom real quick. Will you order in the meantime?" I assure him as I stand up from my seat.

I splash water on my face, staring at my reflection in the mirror. What's wrong with me? Atlas is perfect, way sweeter than Hyunjin. 

Hyunjin's always been a jerk, competitive, and just plain annoying. So why the heck do I have this nagging wish that I was on a date with him instead?

I shut off the running water and step into the stall. Is he dating Miko now? Maybe he realized he's 100% straight. I should focus on Atlas, who's treating me like a king.

As I'm deep in thought, someone enters the bathroom, making me exit the stall in a hurry. And there he is, Hyunjin, back towards me, his eyes locking onto mine through the mirror's reflection. 

I quickly wash my hands, all the while feeling the tension in my body and my heart racing.

Just as I decide to make a quick exit, he grabs my wrist. My breath catches, and I don't dare turn around. 

"Why can't you look at me, Felix?" he whispers, breaking the silence. Slowly, I turn to meet his gaze.

"Are you enjoying your date, sunshine?" he asks, irritation lacing his voice. Could it be jealousy? "I was, until you showed up," I reply as I pull my hand away from his grip, which only tightens.

"Can you let me go? Why do you even care? Seems like you and Miko are getting along just fine again," I say, my own tone dripping with jealousy.

"So, are you into boys now?" he asks, ignoring my words. "Well, don't act surprised. You know damn well what I'm into," I retort quickly, immediately regretting it as a smirk tugs at the corner of Hyunjin's lips.

"Of course I know what you're into, or at least I thought I did. I mean, two weeks ago, you seemed pretty into me. Now, it seems you're more into that jock of yours," he says, rolling his eyes when he mentions Atlas. 

"That 'jock' is named Atlas, and he's amazing. He's funny, sweet, and knows how to treat someone right," I snap back, pulling away with more force, successfully breaking his grip.

Hyunjin's smirk deepens, but there's a hint of vulnerability in his eyes. "Funny, sweet, and treats someone right, huh? Sounds like you've got it all figured out with your new 'perfect' guy." His tone is both bitter and regretful. 

I'm sorry I couldn't be like that for you, sunshine." He adds as he brushes past me and exits the bathroom.

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