I know better ways to relieve stress

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Hyunjin's POV

The gentle morning light filters through the curtains as I slowly awaken and stretch. Felix lies beside me, and the sight of him makes my heart flutter.

I quietly slip out of bed and check the time on my phone: 10 AM. There are 5 missed calls from Miko and 3 texts from my mother. 

I send them both the same message: 'I'm alright, I stayed the night at a friend's house. I forgot to tell you.'

I find my boxers on the floor and put them on, then make my way out to Felix's balcony. I take in a deep breath of the morning air as I admire Felix's beautifully maintained garden. 

I'm lighting up a cigarette, as I rest my arms on the metal balcony railing. A sudden anxiety washes over me as I remember the last time I woke up here, with Felix so distant and cold in the morning. 

I wonder if history will repeat itself. Maybe I should just leave.

Felix's POV

I wake up to a cool breeze on my bare upper body. Opening my eyes, I scan the room and spot Hyunjin's pants on the floor.

A blush creeps up my cheeks, but where is he? He couldn't have left, since his pants are still here.

Then, I notice the balcony door is open. I quickly get out of bed and put on a sweater. I tiptoe towards the balcony, and there, I'm blessed with the sight of Hyunjin's bare back, since he's only in boxers. He's smoking a cigarette, which surprises me; I didn't know he smoked.

"Have you forgotten how bad that stuff is for your lungs, Mr. Intelligence?" I tease, though genuine concern lingers in my voice. 

Hyunjin turns around and lets out a sigh of relief, I don't know why he's relieved but I decide to pay it no mind. 

"Well," he replies with a grin, "I know it's bad for you, but it's also scientifically proven to relieve stress."

"Stress, huh? Since when does Hyunjin Hwang get stressed?" I ask with a playful smirk. 

"Since the exams are coming up, and I finally have someone to compete with," he says, pointing at me. I chuckle, delighted that he still sees me as his competition.

"Fortunately," I purr in a low voice, taking a step closer, "I know better ways to relieve stress." Hyunjin's eyes light up, and he responds, "Oh yeah? I'm sure you do, sunshine. What did you have in mind?" He promptly flicks away his cigarette and steps closer as well.

"Well, I've heard taking a very, very hot and steamy shower is supposed to help...," I suggest, letting my fingers trail along his defined torso. His breath catches, and his smirk grows even wider as he tries to avert his gaze. 

Turning his back to me, he looks out over the garden. "God, Lixie you're insane," he mutters, almost as if he wants to resist me so badly.

I step behind him, placing my hands on his shoulders. "Mhm, that competition of yours really stressed you out; I can feel it," I say as I gently massage his shoulders. "Right here," I murmur, placing a soft kiss on his right shoulder blade.

He turns around, grabbing me by the waist, and we're now just inches apart. My gaze lingers on his bruised lips, and I can see the dark red cut on his bottom lip. 

"You look quite attractive when you've gotten your ass beaten," I giggle.

"Shut up, I would've knocked the guy out if you'd let me. I was fine on my own," he hisses.

"Sure, you would have," I tease, raising an eyebrow. He rolls his eyes, and a brief, silent pause lingers between us.

"I'm sorry about Atlas, actually..." I say in a more serious tone. His smile fades when I mention him, and he takes a few moments to respond, his gaze locked onto mine. 

"End things with him completely, Felix. Can you do that for me?"

He's staring right into my eyes, and it makes me a bit nervous. "Don't worry, I'm all yours right now," I chuckle. He smiles briefly, but his expression turns serious once more.

"I mean it, Felix. He's no good, and I know I'm not perfect, but just trust me on this one."

His worry provides me with a sense of comfort, knowing that he's there to protect me from any potential danger. 

"I trust you, I really do," I assure him, and he smiles with relief. He pulls me into a hug, and his bare body against mine feels ice-cold.

"Oh lord, Jinnie... you're freezing. You really need that hot shower asap," I chuckle.

Hyunjin's POV

After we shower and get dressed, I'm once again lending Felix's clothes, we find ourselves on the couch. The TV is on, broadcasting a Lakers game, and my excitement bubbles over as LeBron James scores a 3-point shot. 

Felix appears amused at my excitement, as he asks, "Why did they just earn 3 points?"

I look at him with a mixture of surprise, momentarily forgetting that not everyone is a basketball fanatic. "Well, you see that circle; it's called the 3-point line. If you make a shot from beyond that line, you get three points," I explain.

He nods in understanding and follows up with, "You sure know a lot about basketball. Do you play?"

Suddenly, it hits me that Felix is new to the school and probably has no idea about the basketball team. 

"I do, actually. I'm the school team's captain. The season only starts on November 15th, which is why I haven't had to play yet," I clarify.

Felix's eyes widen, and I can't help but chuckle at how adorable he looks. "Wait, you're the team captain? No wonder you're so popular," he says in disbelief.

"Hey, hey, I'm popular because I'm good at everything, not just basketball," I playfully protest.

I gather my courage and, with a hint of shyness, I ask him, "You know, we start practicing next Wednesday, as the season begins in two weeks. You should stop by." 

Felix's face lights up, and he nods excitedly. I blush and quickly avert my gaze to the screen, pretending to focus on the game.

Echoes of Elite Hearts II HyunLixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora