Chapter Seven:

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It was an unknown period of empty blackness before he woke up, cuffed to a pipe in a dark concrete room. He was too tall to hang completely in the air.

His feet touched the ground.

Clayton looked around, noticing a bruised Philip, ice pack on his neck. Those fucking soulless eyes, glazing over.

He rolled his head, the surroundings are a blur of light and faded shadows.

Martha was sitting on a chair, filing her nails.

Was he on heroin? His thoughts were trying to gather more information.

"Maybe I'll have her after I kill Richard then you. What Carlos doesn't know won't hurt him," Philip threatened.

Martha smirked, looking up towards Clayton.

Clayton knew Philip wasn't lying.

"Don't you fucking touch her!" he gritted through his teeth, now fully aware of his surroundings.

The thought of Alice being touched by anyone else made him see red. His fists straining against handcuffs as he struggled to contain the raging tide of jealousy within him.

The room was tense, Clayton did not break eye contact with Philip while he circled the room.

She is his! His thoughts darkening as his eyes narrowed, Clayton's rage was still building.

"Philip! She is mine. Don't fucking touch her! I swear to god!" Clayton threatened for the second time, he wasn't messing around.

His fists white with anger as Philip smirked and glanced at Martha, turning back to Clayton as he continued to taunt him, "Clayton, be nice. I mean she's only had you. She might like my touch."

"Make him suffer, but not too much. This one over here is in a delicate condition" he suddenly said to the armed hires in the room as he reached down to kiss her, passionately with a hint of slop.

Delicate condition? What? his thoughts echoed in confusion.

Clayton tried to ignore the awkwardness as Philip continued, "But I want him alive long enough to tell him details after I've killed that prick and then fucked Allie Bear. I want to see his face. I want him to hear all the details. Don't worry, I won't kill her Clay. I want her to remember my face for years to come."

Clayton screamed. He thrashed, it took three hires closest to him to hold him still, all hitting Clayton hard in the stomach and face.

Martha stood up, trying not to dry retch, as she turned away from the violence.

Clayton, through the gasps of pain, turned towards Martha, whose chest was turning a flush pink against all the black she was wearing.

"Martha, this isn't you. He is manipulating you. We were never a thing. I'm sorry that I used you, but some people aren't just meant to be together. Can't you see that? You truly never wanted me, you liked the idea of us. The idea of taming me. You're not the first one who tried, believe me. Please, Martha, don't hurt Alice. I love her. It was always her."

Martha looked over to Philip

"Shut up" he snapped, overruling her before she could even speak.

Clayton took a deep breath, his body still ached. A shaky, half-choked cough came out from his mouth, given the damage to his ribs.

He realized that he might not be able to get close enough to any one of them to get a deadly hold around their spines or windpipes since he was currently bound and waiting for execution.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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