ii. snooping around

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𝗔𝗥𝗢𝗨𝗡𝗗 𝗢𝗡𝗘 𝗢'𝗖𝗟𝗢𝗖𝗞 𝗜𝗦 𝗪𝗛𝗘𝗡 Yasei managed to find the host parents to his child's house. It was a decent sized two story plain white house. Looked neat, a mowed lawn with green grass, nice landscape with a few but not too many flowers. Walking up to the porch, Yasei went to knock, yet when his hand was an inch away from the door he hesitated. 

It was all coming back to him, she wouldn't know who he was. He'd be a complete stranger to her, the reality came crashing down on top of him like a bullet. 

Nevertheless, he gathered up his courage and knocked on the door. 'It'll be fine' Yasei told himself. 

After a couple moments which seemed like an eternity, he heard footsteps approaching the door. Yasei's breath hitched when the doorknob turned, only to relax and sigh when the person that opened the door turned out to be the wife host parent, the husband following afterwards.

Yasei had done a thorough background check on both of the host parents. Making sure that they would best suit his daughters needs in his absence.

The wife had light brown hair, tied up in a neat bun. Dark brown eyes that went well with her hair, slightly tanned skin and an overall welcoming appearance. Her name was Ashley Wains.

The same could be said for the husband. He had black hair with dark brown eyes as well, a somewhat timid appearance with glasses that made him look all the more friendlier. His name was Misael Wains. 

For a moment they both stared confusedly at Yasei until the overall appearances and similarities clicked in their heads. The streak of colored hair, mischievous grin plastered on the mans face, Asian appearance and the eye color. 

They gaped at the man, the husband being the first to snap out of his initial shock. 

"M-Mr. Nakadai?"

Yasei grimaced at the formality. Keeping the grin he answered.

"No need for formalities. Please, call me Yasei. May I enter?"

Both adults scrambled to invite him in, they all settled themselves in the living room. Ashley offered a drink to which Yasei gratefully accepted. 

When they were all situated, Yasei was seated in the single cushion chair while the host parents sat nervously in front of him on the separate couch. Fidgeting with the uncomfortable atmosphere, Ashley was the one to break the ice.

" M-Mr- I mean Yasei. What brings you here?"

Yasei scanned the room, no sign of his daughter. With a bit of a glum look he asked.

"Where is Miko?"

"She is currently at school, i'm afraid that you probably won't find her after school. She often hangs out with her friends and comes home around 9."

Alright then. That meant that she wouldn't be home for a while. That gives him more than enough time to sort things out with the hosts. Sitting up a little straighter, Yasei put down his drink and crossed his legs to look more business like.

" Mr and Mrs Wains. I'd like if you could keep my visit a secret from her."

"But why-"

"Let me finish. The reason is because after her little incident the doctor told me that she would most likely have no recollection of me, in other words, she has a sort of amnesia. Because of that I knew that it would be better if we were separated. Hence, why I sent her to you."

The couple looked at the man in front of them with a kind of pity, to have to send your daughter away, for a loving father they knew that it would be heartbreaking. 

Yasei stood up. Looking at the couple he smiled,

" Thank you for taking care of my daughter all this time. She might not remember me but that does not mean I can't find some way to be a part of her life. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be off to find Miko."

With a small bow, Yasei walked out the door. Making a mental note to send them both 1k for dealing with his little wild child. 

The couple watched as he wandered down the street towards the large high school with solemn faces. Sad that such an amazing father had to deal with such a thing yet amazed at how he could still be so optimistic.

Arriving at the high-school, Yasei stood underneath a tree on the front right corner. From what he could make out through the windows, school was in session. Miko was not in any of the classes that he could currently see. 

Maybe she was on the other side? But it would look suspicious if a man was seen looking through the windows of a school...

With a small huff, Yasei crossed his arms and leaned against the tree. Closing his eyes he decided it would be best if he waited till school was over.

And that is what he did. About 20 minutes later, Yasei was dozing off. Practically on the verge of falling asleep, yet the bell rang. Loud, and annoying , the ringing startled the poor man out of his tired state. Flashbacks of school coming back to haunt him, standing up straight, subconsciously he yelled out.

" Here!"

Nearby kids looked over and snickered at him. Embarrassed he chuckled, remembering why he was here, Yasei searched through the crowds of kids. It had been a while since he'd last seen her so Yasei wasn't really sure who he was looking for. 

Then, with a glance. He saw her. It was unmistakable. Yasei smiled at her choice of appearance. A pink t-shirt, on top of that a dark blue skinny strapped shirt with a green robot figure in front. Dark blue jean shorts with a yellow belt, two sky blue animals strapped to it. Purple and turquoise striped pants, brown leather boots, a pink and purple bracelet,  and pearl blue earrings.

But that was not the most noticeable thing to Yasei. To him, it was the streak of pink colored hair that went together with the rest of her black hair, all tied up in two pony tails. The wild eyes and personality that he was able to see through the few moments that he witnessed her in. 

Miko walked out of the school doors looking as if she just finished a meeting with Satan himself. Yasei watched as she immediately went straight to two other boys. One looked to be a little older than her, probably 17 or something. He had black hair, wore a dark grey shirt with a lighter gray long sleeve underneath and blue jeans.

The other boy was fairly short, he had orange glasses, spiky brown hair, a white long sleeve with an orange shirt above, baggy jeans and a backpack.

Seeing as how the older one looked too docile and the short one looked too young. Yasei knew that he wouldn't have to worry about relationships or anything like that. Miko would be too wild for the both of them to handle that was for sure.

Maneuvering closer, Yasei watched as each of the children got into their own separate vehicle. The old one getting on a blue motorcycle, the short one into a yellow and black muscle car and Miko hopping inside a bulky green jeep.

Yasei highly doubted that Miko was allowed to drive, much less her host parents allowed her to get such a car. But he'd just seen her host parents, they obviously weren't the ones driving the vehicle. From his angle there didn't appear to be anyone in the driver seat. Yet Miko hopped in and started speaking happily to someone.

They drove off and curiosity got the better of him, they didn't drive that far. In fact when Yasei set off in the direction they went he saw them drive into a ditch. Or in their case underneath the bridge. 

Peaking over the ledge, Yasei was surprised and shocked with what he saw. 

Robots! Or at least, that's what they looked like...

𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐄𝐑; ᴛꜰᴘजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें