chapter one - ✩彡

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i love the sound of the rain. the pitter patter of droplets against the classroom window is so soothing. i knew i should go home and finish those incomplete assignments but, the beautiful sight outside seemed to just lure me in. it isn't out of the ordinary that i stay behind after classes have been dismissed for the day. i just like organizing the book shelf. as i contemplated on whether i should organize the books alphabetically or by genre, my ears suddenly perk up at the sound of someone talking.

"i'll be back in a little bit, i forgot my stuff..!" i heard a familiar voice call out from the hall.

i looked up from the book shelf as the classroom door swung open. it was my classmate, selen tatsuki, talking just a little too loudly on the phone. we've talked a little bit but wouldn't consider us friends. not that i don't like her or anything. it's just.. i feel like we're more like acquaintances than anything. i have a few classes with her, one being in this classroom, but we don't really talk that much. the only reason i know her because i'm friends with her sister, elira.

"oh, hey (name)." she nodded in my direction, hanging up whatever call she was on. probably elira. "didn't expect you to be here."

"hey," i greeted back, standing up from my spot on the floor. i wasn't until then i noticed that she was soaked from head to toe and that her teeth were chattering slightly, probably due to the cool air of the classroom and the fact that she's completely drenched. "uhh.. rough day?" i asked, giving her a small smile trying to lighten her mood.

she groaned in response, rolling her eyes. "you couldn't even begin to imagine." she replied with crossed arms as she shook her head.

"wanna talk about it..?" i asked, grabbing a towel from the supply closet at the back of the classroom. i figured she could use it. as i stated before, me and selen and i aren't super duper close friends or anything but i still like her. from the few times we've interacted, she's always been nice with me. she's cool.

"nah, it's nothing serious." she assured, taking a seat on an empty desk. "i'm just.. really irritated or whatever.." she admitted with a huff. "it's just been one of those days, ya know?"

i hum in agreement as i reach for the towels on the top shelf of the supply closet, having to stand on my tippy toes. i snatched a small, white towel for selen to (somewhat) dry herself with. "selen." i signaled, holding up the towel. she holds a hand out ready to catch it right before i toss it to her.

"thanks.." she said, holding the towel up to her cheek. "i really appreciate this. especially after the shitty day i've had."

"you sure you're okay..?" i asked. even though i said that with a smile, my eyebrows furrowed, clearly showing my concern for her.

"besides me not bringing an umbrella, having a shit ton of work to get done and forgetting my wallet at home so i couldn't eat breakfast and lunch, yeah. i'd say i'm doing fan-fucking-tastic." she muttered, letting out an unhumorous laugh.

"wow, that's.." i trailed off but still getting the message across. did someone jinx this poor girl or something?

"ha, i know right." letting out another cold laugh as she rolled her eyes once more. "today sucked ass." she then paused for a moment, staring at my worried expression. "sorry. i'm just.. ugh, really pissed off." she grumbled.

"no, no, it's cool." i reassured her. "it's good that you're talking about it rather than letting your frustration bubble up inside." but she still doesn't look convinced. "look. clearly you need something to get your mind off of all this stress, right." selen nodded her head, but the confused expression on her face told me that she wasn't following. "so.. why don't you spend the night with elira and the rest of us on saturday?" i suggested. "it's just that.. no offense or anything but, it's like whenever elira has more than one or two guests over, you just.. hide in your room the whole time we're there."

selen sighed, throwing her head back, contemplating the offer before speaking up again. "okay, yeah. maybe you're right.." she admitted, scratching the back of her neck. "i have been kinda stressed these past few weeks with college shit.. i guess it would be nice to have a break and hang out with you guys for a change." she said, smiling a small smile.

"good." i replied with a nod and a smile. we sat that there in silence. it was beginning to get awkward. thankfully, the sound of selen's phone buzzing broke the slightly uncomfortable atmosphere in the room.

she picked up her phone and read off a text message. "ugh, i gotta go." she grumbled a little, grabbing her book bag, that she had forgotten earlier, and slinging it over her shoulder. "elira said ember locked himself in the bathroom again." as strange as that sounded, i decided to not ask.

she was heading for the door, leaving a trail of small puddles behind her. seeing this, i decided i couldn't let her go out there again without something to help her keep dry. well, not dry in her case, of course. just something to keep her slightly less wet than she already is.

"selen, wait..!" i called out to her just before she walked out the door. "here, why don't you take my umbrella." i proposed taking the black umbrella from the side compartment of my bag.

"you sure? don't you need it?" she asked, tilting her head to the side as she looked back at me, her hand resting on the door frame.

"no, no, it's fine. i have spare anyway." i tried to reassured her. i didn't have a spare. i just didn't want her to feel bad. she's been through enough already.

"well, okay then. thanks." i handed over the umbrella to selen, our fingers ever so slightly grazing each others. "well, i guess i'll see ya tomorrow." she smiled, a lot less irritated than she was before when she had first walked in.

"yeah, i'll see you tomorrow night then. m'kay?" i replied with a warm smile.

"definitely." she said with a grin as she walked out the door and into the empty hallway.

i then turned my attention back to the window. it was still pouring out there. even though i had just given up my umbrella for selen, i was still glad that i did. i don't know, it's like, after the crappy day she's had, seeing her smile made me happy. i walked out of the campus doors and was met with the down pour of the rain.

thank you for reading! this is chapter has been edited and i'm a lot more satisfied with the writing!
more chapters to come!

just an acquaintance..?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora