bonus chapter - ✩彡

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okay, so, i'm working on rewriting chapter three but i've been struck with every writer's greatest fear: writers block!! (dun dun dun) so i wrote this instead because i'm sure you are tired of just build up.

so yeah, just some basic domestic fluff (with just a tad bit of spice) to keep you guys entertained. hope you enjoy!

i sleepily rolled over on my side, my eyes hit by the golden hour's glow. i blinked a couple of times trying to adjust to the light. i turned my body to look at my girlfriend's sleeping form, her arm thrown over my waist. she's so cute! she'd never admit though. i then brushed the stray purple strands of hair away from her face before leaning down to kiss her forehead. i slowly and quietly got up from the bed, as to not disturb her slumber.

"come on ember.." i whispered, waking up the tiny black dragon from his sleep. he looked up at me with sleepy eyes as he let out a long yawn, groggily following me towards the kitchen, bumping into a wall in the process. i know ember isn't technically my pet but, still. ever since selen and i moved in together, i decided to take on the responsibility of feeding him every morning.

"here you go boy." i smile as i set ember's food bowl on the counter. he then immediately hopped up on the kitchen counter, scarfing down his breakfast down like a mad man. i gently stroked his back as he ate, trying to stifle a laugh. too entertained by ember's shenanigans, i almost didn't notice a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"morning.." she greeted in a low, husky voice. "i'm sooo tired.." she mumbled as she rested her chin on my shoulder as her arms remained wrapped around me.

"then maybe go back to bed..?" i replied with a playfully raised eyebrow. she grumbled as she buried her face into the crook of my neck.

"not unless you're there with me.." she murmured softly in my ear. for most people, it's extremely rare to see selen like this but, fortunately, for me, this is an everyday occurrence. she's actually really sweet. "please..?" she pleaded, placing a small kiss on my neck, causing me to let out a breathy sigh.

"cmon you know i can't.." i sighed defeatedly. "i have some errands to run, remember." i explained, placing my hand on her more dragon-like one.

"oh cmonnn.." she whined, throwing her head back. "can't they wait..?" she uttered in that same low, husky voice. only this time there was something more.. suggestive about her tone. not to mention the fact that her hands were running further and further up my body. i quickly pushed her hands away before they went any further.

"no, they can't." i repeated, pulling away from her and carrying on with my current tasks. she stood there with her arms crossed, thinking, plotting something.

"fine, i want my t-shirt back then." she responded with that big ass smirk of hers. i looked down at the shirt i was wearing and then back at selen.

"this one?" i asked, eyebrow raised. she nodded with a hand extended towards me, expecting me to just give it to her. "but.. but i was gonna wear it.." i frown.

"whomp whomp!" she guffawed. "hand it over." she said, taking a step closer.

"what? no, you said i could wear it." i refused, crossing my arms as i pursed my lips. she let out a little snicker as she took another step towards me causing me to take a step back. my back then hit the kitchen counter, trapping me in between selen and the counter.

"you think you could take off the shorts too?" she chuckled lowly, putting both hands on the counter behind me. now there was really no chance of me escaping.

"they aren't even yours." i replied with a perplexed expression on my face.

"i know. i just wanna see you without them on~" she snickered with a little wink, that same smirk still plastered across her face.

"you're horrible!" i giggled with a playful eye roll, swatting her hands away. we both stood there for a moment, simply just enjoying each other's presence. i took a seat on the kitchen counter just before selen leaned into give me a small peck on the cheek. i wrapped my arms around her neck as i looked deeply into those eyes. those eyes told me everything i needed to know. i slowly leaned in, cupping her face with my hands, and gave a long, heartfelt kiss. and it's like the more i kissed her, the less of a rush i was in to get out the door.

"maybe.. maybe i'll just sleep in for a little while longer.." i smiled warmly as we pulled away. she grinned back at me before leaning in for another kiss.

"knew i could convince you to stay.." she teased, poking at my side as she placed another kiss on my lips.

"i knew you were.. planning something.." i added in between kisses.

"heh.. it worked though, didn't it?" she chuckled as she tucked a strand of hair behind my ear before leaning in once more. we remained like this for a couple minutes until selen took me by the hand and lead me to our shared bedroom. she sat me down on the bed just before bending down to pepper my face with kisses as she rested her hands at my sides. we fell back on the bed, still kissing each other obviously, i wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her in closer. we pulled away just for a moment, taking in the sight before us. by just that look in her eyes i knew that i never wanted to leave her side..
thank you for reading! also quick question, should i make a entirely separate book for all the bonus chapters and just turn it into a oneshot book? don't worry though, i'll still be working on this book of course!

just an acquaintance..?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon