3~Be safe

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Annabeth was sitting on the desk, typing away on Daedalus' laptop (I know that it got lost in Tartarus. But author privileges). Suddenly, her notification pinged. Seeing her mobile phone that Leo had made all those years ago for keeping it monster free, she saw it was past midnight. August 18th...

"Oh Wise Girl, it's just a small side quest. I've been through worst. I wouldn't do anything stupid, just scout around and come back as soon as I can to celebrate our anniversary, I promise." The sea-green eyed boy had reassured her the tenth time but she was still uneasy, as they had been dating for more than eight years and Percy never went to quests without her. Though Connor and Butch were accompanying him. Not to mention that their anniversary was approaching under a week.

As if sensing her unease, he pulled her closer and kissed her like he'd never before. The kiss said everything that was unspoken between them, enveloping Annabeth in his ocean scent. When they finally pulled away, he pecked her cheek again and finally untangling himself from her.

"Be safe, Seaweed Brain." she whispered, "Come back to me, please..."

On the day of their anniversary, they had come back. But Butch had the body of her boyfriend in his arms. "The alarm was false. Some laistrygonians had planned it all. Too many monsters were there to fight. Connor would have died, but Percy, with his last ounce of energy, did something that made all of them explode at once. I'm so sorry, Annabeth..."

Bloodbending, that's what he'd done with his last remaining energy. He broke his promise and saved a life, costing him his own.

She lashed out at everybody and anybody that day. Begged for those lifeless eyes to get some life. Begged for that heart to start beating again. But he did not come back, he stayed limp, not hugging her back when she sobbed into his chest.

She didn't eat anything for days. Piper was called from Oklahoma to charmspeak the blonde and disheveled girl to eat or drink something. Finally, when all the anger was drained, she broke down. Utterly and completely broke down. Percy was given a proper funeral, his ashes dissipated in the ocean. 

A lot of Olympians had come to pay their tributes to one of the greatest heroes ever. Tried to sympathize with her. But she was numb, too numb to feel anything...

A few tears rolled down Annabeth's cheeks. She vigorously wiped them off, knowing that he was seeing her right now...seeing their son. She'd been pregnant that whole time, and she didn't know. She found that out after a week of their anniversary.

Standing up, she made her way towards her toddler, kissing him on the forehead. He looked a lot like Percy, but his facial structure, other than the eyes, were his mother's. Lucas Perseus Jackson, a great demigod to be one day.


"I'll wait here for you, Wise Girl." Percy thought, somewhere in Elysium, watching his girlfriend raise his son.


Hey people!!

Such a short and angsty chapter. Don't know why, I guess my day wasn't going good enough, and I decided to write this chapter.

Forgive me!! Please...
Next one will be fluff. Probably.

Anyways, Byie! 🔵🍪🥛

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