4~Doctor's orders

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This is an AU. They're mortals in this one, in their freshmen years.

Nico was sitting in an empty classroom, scrolling through his phone. The school ended thirty minutes ago, but students were allowed to hang out till the school closed. Nico was anti-social, too shy to talk and make friends.

Two years ago, Nico wouldn't have believed that he would become what he was right now, but after his sister's death, he changed a lot. He didn't even remember his mother, as she died of tuberculosis when he was pretty young. His father, the great businessman Hades of the company 'Big Three', never paid him attention or had enough time for him.

He did have a step-sister Hazel, but he was never that close to her as she had spent most of her life in Alaska, with her mother, Marie. Sitting there and scrolling through Instagram, he heard singing. At first he thought that it was coming from his own mobile phone, but then the voice got a little closer. 

It was beautiful, as if sung by the god of music himself. Then the singer entered the class and Nico sucked in a breath. He looked beautiful, with his sun-kissed skin, perfect tan and golden blonde hair. Like the embodiment of the sun itself.

"For the love of my life
She's got glow on her face
A glorious look in her eyes
My angel of light" 

He was singing a song Nico knew by heart. When those blue eyes of his fell on the brown-eyes of Nico, they widened. Just a slightest bit.

"I was all alone with the love of my life
She's got glitter for skin
My radiant beam in the night
I don't need no light to see you" He gestured frantically for Nico to sing the chorus with him, and for some reason unknown, he obliged.

It's your golden hooouuur 
You slow down tiiimeee
In your golden hooouuur "

To be fair, Nico was no singer, but this song was one of his favourites. And the mysterious boy was singing too beautifully for Nico to ruin it.

Then the boy stopped the music and asked,"What're you doing here? The school finished half an hour ago."

"The same thing can be asked to you too mister..." Nico prompted. "Will. Will Solace." The boy replied, offering a hand for Nico to shake.

"And I'm a part of 'The Muses' band, so I have to wait for the dean to arrive so that I can go into the band room for borrowing instruments. Now, about why you're here..?" He asked once again. Nico wanted to get annoyed, but for some reason, he didn't. He wanted to pour all his misery to this stupidly handsome and nosy guy.

"No reason. Just wanted some alone time after school and the crowds." The black-haired boy answered, in a monotone voice, not betraying any emotion. "Can't I do that?"

"You can...but- nevermind. It's okay. The dean might have arrived. Now I need to put a name on that pretty face of yours. Wanna help, mystery boy?" Will asked. Nico quickly turned so that he couldn't see his face. It was probably red as a ripe tomato. Pretty face...

After a minute of silence, Nico whipped around to see if he was gone but his heart almost leapt out of his throat. Will was just a few inches away from him, and so close that he could count each and every freckle on his nose and cheeks. Even Will seemed a little startled, but neither of them made a move to step back. "You seriously aren't even going to tell me your name?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nico. Nico Di Angelo" Nico breathed out, his heart on overdrive. Will repeated his name, slowly, as if tasting the words on the tip of his tongue. Then he smiled, and Nico's heart beat so fast that he could've probably died of a heart attack.

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