Chapter 2

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Originally posted 05-31-21.


Walking in through the door marked 402, the couple found themselves in Rei's apartment. It was not the pinnacle of luxury, but once Shinji helped her put some elbow grease into it, it looked decent enough to live in. Still barren of furniture aside from the single metal frame bed in Reis' room, a dresser, a nightstand, a stool, and a rather small wooden table and some mats.

Rei let go of her lover's arm and went off to go take a shower. Shinji in the meantime went to the kitchen, going through the fridge and cabinets for ingredients to make a meal. He decided on making fried rice, without meat of course since Rei doesn't buy or eat any.

Also deciding on making tea, he filled a kettle and set it with a pan on the stove. Waiting for everything to heat up, he took out his phone and called Misato. She was actually the only other person who knew about him and Rei, well aside from Dr. Akagi now.

He had told her about a week after they started dating. She was so happy for him and started going into detail about dating advice, but Shinji had her swear not to tell anybody. The purple haired woman was initially against that as she wanted to tell her friends and tease him about and some other reasons about not hiding things, but he told her how Rei didn't really want anybody knowing and how important this was to him and that he didn't want to go against her wishes. When Misato saw how serious he was she agreed before giving him a hug, as well as a condom, much to his embarrassment.

His phone dialed once, then twice, before a voice picked up.

"Shinji?" came Misato's voice, luckily, it seems he caught her before she got completely drunk.

"H-hey Misato..." He started.

"I was wondering where you went," She said with a hint of worry.

"I um went to Rei's" he said rubbing the back of his head.


"Y-yeah, she wasn't feeling so well after the test, and she wanted me to go with her" It was the truth, just not the whole truth.

"Oh, alright Shinji, that's fine, just don't do anything I wouldn't" She said with an obvious wink in her voice.

"Shouldn't it be anything you would do..." he mumbled.

"What was that?" Shinji winced.


"Hmph, well alright then, I'll talk to you later. And don't forget to use protection, you don't want to get Rei pregnant now do you" she said in a teasing voice before hanging up. Shinji however deadpanned and took the time to finally take a breath and think.

'Oh god' he thought as he grasped the situation, 'My girlfriends pregnant.'

Slight panic set in him as he started thinking how people would react. 'Misato would maybe congratulate me before giving me a lecture and probably a few slaps, or she would just kill me, one of the two. Asuka would accuse me of perverted things then attack me definitely. What about school? Surely people may notice if she's pregnant. And what will Rei do? if she leaves for the rest of the year, then they will probably ask me for answers. What if they realize I'm the father? I'M A FATHER!' There was both some amazement and fear in that last thought.

'What have I done? I'm fifteen and already going to be a father. I'm like one of those Americans from those tv shows. I didn't think Rei could get pregnant. I really am a stupid idiot like Asuka's always telling me.' Shinji then shook his head and took a few deep breaths giving himself a good slap as well. 'Calm down Shinji, there's no time to panic, Rei needs me' He remembered how she sounded almost scared. 'I won't be like those American teens; I'll be there for Rei. I mustn't run away. I mustn't run away.' he thought sternly as he started focusing on cooking.

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