Chapter 3

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Originally posted 06-02-21.


Rei woke up to find it very hard to want to wake up. She felt incredibly comfortable and warm. Probably due to her boyfriend Shinji, who's bare chest she was resting on, and whose arms were wrapped around her.

She managed to resist snuggling up into him and opted to get up. Gently breaking his embrace, she was able to pull herself from him, raising her arms and stretching, before looking back at the sleeping boy beside her. His slightly messy brown hair was covering the top of his head as his chest rose and fell softly. It always felt nice when he would stay and she would wake up to find herself not alone and cold.

She thought back to yesterday, her hand unconsciously moving to rest over her stomach. Taking a few deep breaths, she got up from the bed, noticing her state of undress, she moved to her dresser to grab a pair of clothes before heading to the bathroom. It was at the door when she felt nauseous.

Quickly entering the bathroom and setting her clothes down, she bent over the toilet and threw up into it. Expelling whatever was left in her stomach from yesterday. She wiped her mouth and flushed the toilet. She then decided to brush her teeth before showering.

Shinji woke up when he found a sudden lack of warmth, opening his eyes he saw that he was the only occupant of the bed he was in, the only evidence of somebody else having been there with him was the faint warmth that was in the empty spot next to him.

He assumed his lover had chosen to get ready for the day and decided to follow. He removed the blankets on top of him and blushed slightly as he remembered his state of nudity and its cause. Shinji then moved to the dresser and opened it. He fished out a pair of clothes he had started leaving here after him and Rei started becoming more intimate.

Once he had them, he headed over to the bathroom stopping at the closed door, he didn't hear the shower running so he knocked.

"Rei, are you in there?" he asked through the door.

"Yes, I was brushing my teeth" came the reply from the other side.

"Oh, I was just checking if you were using the shower" the door opened to reveal Rei, still bare.

"I haven't showered yet, but if you want to... you could join me" Shinji blushed, as even though they have 'gone all the way', he still got flustered at seeing her nude, and they also have never showered together before.

"I-If you want" Rei smiled gently at him.

"I will scrub your back if you scrub mine..." She then gestured for him to come into the restroom with her.

It was a quite intimate shower, but still just a shower, it did however take them ten minutes longer than usual to finish, but both felt refreshed afterwards. Shinji still had a dusting of red on his cheeks as he got out and dried himself, while Rei had a small smile.

They both then got dressed and readied for the day. Shinji went to the kitchen to make them a quick breakfast which both of them ate, enjoying each other's presence as they did.

"Rei, I was wondering..." Shinji said, breaking the silence.

"Yes Shinji?" Rei said as she gave him her attention.

"Well, since we don't have to go and see Dr. Akagi until later, I was thinking we could go do something," he suggested.

"Like what?" Rei tilted her head slightly, something Shinji noticed Rei did from time to time when she was curious, something he found cute.

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