Chapter 5

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Originally posted on 06-08-21.


The impromptu group followed as Dr Akagi led them into Terminal Dogma, all walking in silence. Misato was behind her friend, keeping a steady pace, Kaji walking beside the purple headed woman. Shinji and Rei kept up in the back, Shinji holding her hand, as she firmly grasped it. The gray halls seemingly became darker the further they reached a large set of metal doors with no handles. On the side of it was a card scanner with a small red light above.

Ritsuko pulled out her keycard and swiped it through the scanner, causing the light to flash green. The doors then slid open to reveal a platform in a larger chamber. Walking in they all saw the contents of it. In the middle of the chamber, situated above an enormous lake of orange liquid where a battle ship floated, was a large red structure in the shape of a cross. On it was a giant white figure slumped against it as its hands were nailed into the cross, its legs were missing, and in its place flowed a stream of orange liquid, on its head was a purple mask with a triangle and seven eyes. A large red rod that twisted along its handle was protruding from its chest.

"This is Lilith, the heart of the Geofront,'' Dr. Akagi announced as she gestured to it. Misato looked at the giant, the image of another giant that was made of light flashing through her mind. Kaji looked on at the figure, he had seen it before, but he had only taken a moment before he fled the scene, this time he noted the mask and its similarities to the symbol of another group. Rei took a glance and looked away from the being, holding on tightly to her lover's hand, while Shinji stood in bewilderment at the sheer size of it, it being larger than the eva's.

"This is the only known source of LCL, making it invaluable to us... Come on, there's more" She then pointed out a catwalk that ran along the wall. They continued to follow her as she led them across it, a few of them taking occasional second glances at Lilith as it stood ominously and unmoving.

There was another metal door, which Dr. Akagi wasted no time in unlocking, opening it into another dark hallway. They walked through it as their guide then went ahead through a door frame, revealing another catwalk, overlooking a deep dark pit.

As they all entered, the Doctor went to a lever and flipped, causing a set of lights to flash, revealing the bottom of the pit. A pile of giant skeletons, none of them resembling anything human.

"What is-" Misato started, but Ritsuko cut her off.

"The Evangelion graveyard," She said nonchalantly.

"But why are there actual skeletons?" Misato asked as she peered into the pit.

"The Evangelion is a multitool cyborg, a cyborg being an organism that is composed of both organic and biomechanical material. It took years before we were able to actually create an Evangelion, this is where all the organic material of the failures went..." She told them, no hint of emotion in her voice.

Rei stood close to Shinji as they looked at the grave pile, her discomfort only growing.

"I do not like it here, Shinji," She whispered to him.

"I know Rei, but let's just get this over with, I'll be with you along the way" He whispered back before giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Something wrong Rei?" Misato asked as she saw Rei looking uncomfortable.

"I do not like this place." She told the woman.

"Me neither." She responded. Dr, Akagi wordlessly continued onward, prompting the rest of them to follow her as they left the room undisturbed.

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