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Originally posted on 6-18-21.


It had been around four and a half years since Shinji and Rei had found out they were going to have a baby.

So much had happened after Seele had been crushed.

Shinji and Asuka had agreed to be Misato wards and essentially a family, not that it really changed anything with how they treated each other, despite the fact that Shinji had moved out. He originally intended to move in with Rei at her apartment, that was until they had gotten their imbursement from the U.N. He had never seen so much money on one check. All the pilots, and even Misato had gotten imbursed due to their contributions with the Angels, and Seele. They had asked to remain anonymous to the world (even though most people in their school knew) about their previous status as the evangelion pilots, though Asuka took some convincing.

Rei had decided to instead move into a bigger, better apartment, Shinji joining her. It was fairly easy to move what stuff they had, as it was so little, to the point they actually had to buy more furniture to accommodate all the space.

Asuka had eventually calmed down with her jealous anger. But of course other people had found out about Rei being pregnant. Shinji stated he was the father so she wasn't alone. It was especially bad when the school found out, as it caused a big scandal. That was when Rei decided to finish school online, which only took her three years. Shinji also switched to online schooling so Rei wouldn't feel alone, though he kept in touch with his few school friends with Touji and Kensuke still visiting him from time to time, and having teased him a plenty.

The couple had spent most of their new found free time figuring out what they needed to actually take care of a baby. From reading books on parenting, to looking things up on websites, and reading online articles. Buying all the necessities, toys, clothing and then some. Rei's stomach had gotten bigger, something that made her feel uncomfortable when around Shinji, but he constantly told her he didn't mind about that and was rather worried about her and the baby. Then they eventually had their baby. Shinji was with Rei as she practically crushed his hand during the delivery. But in the end, Megumi Ikari was born January twenty–third, two thousand and sixteen. Rei and Shinji both teared up when they saw her. Misato was so happy despite her initial reaction to Rei being pregnant and then about the girl's origins, and was going on and on about being a grandma. Even Asuka was alright with being something of an aunt.

She had brown hair, red eyes, and pale skin, though not nearly as pale as her mothers.

The first month, they had watched her like hawks, always making sure she was nearby or in view. Shinji was constantly worried and nervous about her, always asking Rei if he was taking care of her okay or doing something correctly. Which made Rei also nervous and worried as she herself didn't always know and would end up consulting every parental guide she could find for answers. It was very tiring, but Misato was always willing to watch her. They even got Asuka to babysit on a few occasions. She protested at first, but had grown somewhat fond of the child, despite her saying otherwise.

Misato still had her apartment, the only difference being the two new large fridges, one was of course for Pen-Pen, while the other was so she could have more beer. It was after one night of binge drinking that she woke up to find herself in bed with Kaji. They ultimately decided to give the whole dating thing a second chance, but only if he gave up his life of espionage. He decided it was for the better and resigned from his position at the U.N. They were engaged in six months and married a year later. Asuka had been upset when she learned her adult crush and her adoptive guardian were getting married, but she learned to grit her teeth and bear it, only shedding a few tears of sadness.

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