Chapter 8

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Originally posted on 06-17-21.


It was an hour later that they had made a solid plan. The only downside to it was that it could be some time before it would come to fruition, in the meantime, they would have to lay low and act as they had before. The doctor then insisted that they leave immediately as it was late, and she wanted to get rid of any evidence she could of their meeting and activities they had done. She also wanted to sleep and was not going to let anyone prevent her from doing so.

Kaji was the first to bid them a good night before heading off, as he had to make a few very important phone calls.

Kaworu followed shortly, deciding that he should walk home, refusing when he was offered a car ride to his place, telling them that it was a beautiful night out before walking off, whistling a tune as he did.

Shinji decided to stay with Rei again. Misato dropped them off nearby the girls apartment, before heading to her home to get black out drunk, knowing that a if she was there, a certain redhead was probably going to be pestering her with questions. The couple took a minute to regain their sense of direction from the car ride before managing to get into her apartment unnoticed.

They had enjoyed their night and the day that came after before Shinji returned to his home.

The days that followed were rather uneventful, Shinji had to unfortunately deal with a seemingly always irate redhead at home. School had resumed for them, Shinji seeing Rei there who used her usual aloof demeanor as she always did at school, only sharing a few knowing glances and small smiles when she was sure no one was around. These were the only moments they could have at the moment, as despite the amount of time they would get to see each other at school and Nerv, they wouldn't be able to really do anything with one another.

Ritsuko had told the Commander that the reason behind Rei's fluctuation at the last sync test was simple because she had a small illness. He didn't look too much into it, as he had to have his own medical checkups to make sure the other inhabitant of his body wasn't affecting him.

Misato tried her best to act casual, but to anyone who knew her, they could tell she was somewhat on edge.

They had another sync test, where Ritsuko had asked Maya to not comment on Rei's score, to which she agreed without question, doing as her mentor had asked. It truly was a thin line she was walking, but one she knew to walk all too well. It was the others who weren't so used to it. Dr Akagi waited for a perfect opportunity in her schedule to do another check up on Rei and her pregnancy, running a few more tests. Everything seemed to be fine at the moment.

Despite the way they had somewhat easily fallen back into their routines, they all still felt worried.

-One week later-

Lorenz Keele, who was the head of the Seele and was currently the oldest living person thanks to his cybernetics, sat in his private chamber in his complex that was situated in Germany.

He was currently meeting with the other members of Seele, as well as Gendo Ikari via a communication link between monolithic devices. They were discussing progress they had in creating mass production evangelion models and its relation to their schedule at the moment and were about to change the subject, when it happened.

"Onto another matter we need to discuss, we have noticed that -thud- Huh? Who are you!... no wait- -click-" One of the other Seele members had been interrupted as a commotion occurred before their connection had been terminated. This caused an uproar among the members of Seele.

"What happened?! -Bang- What?! No, get away! -click-" Another member's connection was terminated.

One by one, Keele watched in silence as each of the monoliths had lost their connection, the sound of their panic-filled voices being the last he heard of them. If Keele still had eyes, they would have widened as they all cut off. He then realized it.

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