Part 1

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"You are nothing, Bill." It told him. "You are weak. Childish. Unimportant." It went on.
He only scoffed, "What do you know about me?"
"That's the thing, Bill. I am you."

Bill snapped open his eye and sat up, the tall grass tickling his legs and hands.
He didn't focus on the surroundings. He curled his fingers into the grass, grabbing it into a fistful and ripping it out of the dirt, then throwing it out of frustration.

He calmed down and started to take in the setting.

"So... The woods. Great. Where inside the woods?" He asked himself out loud.
"Oh great. Talking to myself. Good to know I'm still insane." He added with sarcasm, rolling his eye.

"Well, I don't want to stand up. I don't really see a point. Maybe I'll just stay here and eventually die. That seems like a good choice." He slumped back down and closed his eye.

Get up.

He opened it again, sat back up, and looked around for any person.
No one.

"Well, that's weird..."
He did as the voice asked, though, getting up on his feet.
"Hm. Nothing but wilderness for miles..."

He walked around.
He walked for what seemed like hours, his legs eventually getting tired, but something in his mind told him to keep walking.
So he did.


He slumped down against a tree, catching some air.
"Why should I even look around? This is just wilderness. There's no real point in looking for help," He spoke to himself.

His breathing got shakey as a force grew inside his non-existent throat.
"... What... What's happening?" He questioned, blinking more than average.

His eye got cold when he tried to keep his eye open, so he was forced to blink.

He was crying.

"Why the fuck am I crying? I'm just alone! It's no big deal!" His voice was a high pitch as he kept choking on his words.
"Ugh... I'm so weak," He whispered, wiping away his thick tears.

He sighed and let it force its way out.


He wandered around more. He had eventually stopped crying and looked around for someone. Or something. It didn't matter, as long as it had a mentality.

He then heard a distant chatter and footsteps that he slightly recognized.
Instinct took over, and he hid behind a tree.

The distant chatter became not so distant as the sound of crunching leaves and snapping twigs became more apparent.

He watched as they passed. He wanted to walk up to them but decided it wasn't the best idea.

He started walking off, avoiding the patches of leaves.
He was doing good so far until he stepped onto a branch.
Once he realized it, he froze.

Thank god it didn't break...
He took a breath.

Then it snapped.

He froze once more and looked behind himself.
They saw him.

"Bill?!" Dipper and Mabel yelled, calling him out.
"Wait- It's not what it looks like!" He grew nervous, backing up.
They ran up to him, Mabel grabbing and holding him in her arms.
"Mabel, put him down! He's dangerous!" Dipper told her.
"Well how else do you think we're gonna stop him from going around and causing chaos?" She had a point.


Mable, still carrying Bill, walked inside the shack with Dipper close behind.
Mabel had snuck upstairs to the attic and plopped Bill on her bed. Waddles quickly came up to him and started licking him.
"Eugh!" Bill tried pushing the pig off of him, with little success.

Dipper was downstairs, slowly explaining to Stan and Ford about the situation.
Even though he got to the point slowly, once he told them about Bill, Stan spat out his coffee and stared choking a bit. Ford just got up and started up to the attic.

"Bill!?" Ford said, opening the door to see Mabel putting him in a sweater.
Bill blinked 'help me' in morse code, and Ford laughed.
"What's so funny?" Dipper asked. He didn't know what Bill meant.

"Nothing." Ford cleared his throat, going back to being serious.

"Bill. What are you doing here?" Ford asked sternly.
Bill rolled his eye. "You expect me to know?" He pulled the sweater down. it kept moving up to his eye.

"Yes, actually," Dipper said, folding his arms. 
"Well I don't," Bill responded.

Mabel then interfered, "Guys, why can't we just forgive him?"
"Mabel, he literally tried to cause the end of the world!" Dipper answered.
"Yeah! A year ago! That's a long time!"
"Well I'm sorry no one is as easily forgiving as you!"

"Cut it out!" Bill shouted. "I don't care if you guys forgive me or not, just stop fighting." He looked off to the side.

Ford sighed. "Let's talk about this situation downstairs, okay?" He went downstairs, followed by the rest of them.

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