Part 12

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"Wow. That's kinda sweet," Wendy interrupted their moment.

Bill was the first to look over.
"Oh- Uh, yeah... I guess it was..." Bill slowly pulled away from Ford.
"What're you doing up so early? I thought usual humans would wake up around, like 8am or something..." Bill asked.
"Nah, not for me. I'm usually up pretty early. Especially after last night..."

"'Anyways' isn't a word. It's 'Anyway'," Ford interrupted.
"... Anyway... Are you guys, like, dating, or..?"

Bill went a bit pink.
"What?! No! Why would you think that?" Bill responded.
"You guys were literally making out yesterday."


"Well, it's not official between us-"
"... Yet." Bill rolled his eye.
"Well, when will it be?"
"Probably... soon... Or else we're gonna be labeled as FWBs..."

"Oooooh... You guys do that..?" Wendy asked, just to make sure.
"... Ford?"
"Oh, nothing, just wanted you to back me outta this situation..."
"I tuned you both out at the second sentence."
"Yeah, that seems like you..."

"You didn't answer my question, though," Wendy wanted an answer.
"... Fine, yes, we did do something!" Bill gave up.
"Wow. I kinda suspected you guys had something going on..."
"I mean, you literally threatened death upon everyone except Ford, you gave him tons of nicknames, not to mention he's almost the only guy that you say the actual name of-"
"Yeah! Yeah, I get it! I shouldn't have made it that obvious!"

Mabel peeked in, "No, you should've made it more obvious!" She giggled.
"Wait- wuh-what?! How much of that did you hear?" Bill asked.
"Everything. All the time."
Bill sighed. "Whatever! I'm going back to sleep before anymore people wake up."


Eventually, everyone was awake. Most in the living room, and a bored Dipper and Mabel were at the table and questioning Bill because fun.

"A question I've always wanted answered by you; what's your backstory? Cause nobody is just born... like this," Dipper asked.
"... Well, a handful of murder, neglect, nonsensical rules, almost dying a too many times, a couple of existential crises, the whole package of shit like that, can really drive someone mad," Bill responded.
"... Yeah, that definitely would make me go insane."

"Oh! What's your favorite object?" Mabel asked, waving her hand in the air.
"Silly straws. They're the best," Bill chuckled.
"Favorite color?"
"Yellow. Obviously."
"Favorite hobby?"
"Never took you as a piano guy. Favorite drink?"
"Time Punch. Not for kids."
"Favorite food?"


"Planets... Not the one's that have people on them, right..?" Dipper asked, just to make sure.
"... Don't hate me, but I never checked..."


"What do they taste like?" Mabel asked.
"Well, Terrestrial planets are crunchy and dry, so I only ever ate them when I wanted to crunch on something that was like a cracker. Ice planets are also crunchy, but the longer they sit in my mouth, the smoother they get. Gas planets aren't exactly food, so I smoke them. Liquid planets are more of drinks. Electrical Planets are actually kinda spicy and have that soda effect on me. Fire planets are also spicy, but have burned my tongue before, so I avoid them. And there's many more to list off," Bill finished.
"Wow... I kinda wanna try one, now," Mabel laughed.

"Uh... Do you have any evil plans..?" Dipper asked, cautious.
"Like taking over again? Nah. It gets kinda boring."
"Then why'd you do it in the first place?"
"I just like the high of getting so much power. It's like, 'Wow, people fear me, that's cool!' And then the longer it goes on, the more I would rather suffocate in a plastic bag. I don't make that show, but it's true. Along with the amount of responsibility! I wanted no rules, and yet I still have to watch over everything to make sure it goes on! Not gonna lie, I was wasted the majority of the time I was taking over."

"What do you mean 'huh'?"
"Well, I dunno, I expected you to be more... yano, demon-y..."
"Lower your standards, Dippin' Dots."

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 06 ⏰

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