Part 7

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The moments replayed in Bill's head over and over again.
They made out that long?! Damn it!
Bill was also slightly paranoid. This is wrong! Bill's a demon, Ford's a human! Also, Ford is 3D! I mean, Bill is now, too, but he's still a Flatlander at species! It's wrong!..

Right? Right?!
No, that's not it...

Bill was pacing.
"Bill?" Ford came around, making Bill almost jump out of his skin. Or, I guess, his bricks... Doesn't matter.
"Yeah, Six?" Bill asked, trying to sound as casual as possible.

"Uhm... About earlier... Let's just pretend it never happened," Ford said.
Bill was slightly disappointed at this for some reason, "Yeah, definitely."
Ford noticed the difference in the tone.
"Or... Do you not want to pretend it never happened..?" Ford asked.
"I mean, I do, but... Part of me doesn't want to forget that..." Bill messed with his fingers.
"Ah... I see."

There was silence once more.

"And," Bill went on, "a small part of me... wants to do it again..." A pink blush highlighted his cheeks, but he pulled the sweater up to cover it.

Ford was shocked.
"I mean... I know it isn't right, but... I can't deny that I actually, well, enjoyed it, ya know..?" Bill asked, glancing in his direction.

"Yeah... I have to agree... But that doesn't make it right. You did try to take over this dimension and kill my family.. Surprised, I don't hate you right now.." Ford reminded.
"Well, I wasn't really myself at the moment," Bill looked off to the side.

"What, were you possessed or something?" They both chuckle.
"Nah... Just not in the right headspace... And, ya know, I hadn't been for a while... But, when you just wake up in the middle of a black void and don't remember anything quite well... You don't really know what to think... And, at the same time, there was a devil and an angel on my shoulders. The angel was quiet, and the devil was loud. You can guess what I usually went with?.. Yeah... To be honest, I just wanted to be happy, but it's hard when you're angry for a reason you can't even remember... I do want to remember what happened, but I also don't... Do you know how that feels?" Bill asked.

Ford was surprised. He hadn't known this information about Bill before. It would've made it a heck of a lot easier to defeat him if Ford knew. Maybe drive him to sanity.
"Yeah, I know... Parshly."

There was silence.

Suddenly, an arrow flew past, almost hitting Bill, but got stuck in the wall.
Bill looked at the arrow, then frowned, "Too bad that didn't kill me."

"Crossbow!" Mabel shouted.
"Mabel, you almost killed Bill here," Ford said, his tone kind of careless, but deep down, he was kind of worried.

Bill ignored it and headed to the living room.
"Oh, forgot to tell everyone, but Soos is coming back from getting married to Melody," Stan blurted out.
"WHAT?! Er- When is he getting here?" Bill asked.
"About 15 minutes," Stan shrugged like it was nothing.

Bill groaned, slapping a hand over his forehead. "Okay, how are we gonna explain it to Question Mark?" He asked.
"I'm unsure.. Maybe if we explain it slowly enough, he won't freak out as much?" Dipper questioned.
"Yeah, like that went well last time," Bill rolled his eye.
"Hey man, at least I'm trying!"
"Trying what? To get Ice Bag to be your girlfriend? Again?" Bill cackled at Dipper's blushing face.

But this time, Dipper snapped back.
"And I bet you're trying to get back in the closet with Great Uncle Ford!"
Everyone went silent, looking over at Bill now.
"Er- what?! No! That was a spur-of-the-moment thing!" Bill defended himself.

"Ooooh! Someone's blushing!" Mabel pointed out.
She was right. Bill was blushing up a storm.
"What?! No! I-I'm just mad!"

"Haha! Illuminati is flustered, eh? That's funny," Stanley chuckled.

Bill pulled the sweater up to cover his blush, though not doing a great job. He walked out of the room as they laughed.

He paused when out of there, leaning against the thin wall. He sighed.
The voices suddenly came back.

'See? Just like before. You haven't changed. You're still a gay freakazoid.'
He clenched his fists.
'And the anger issues haven't left, either. What reason is there for them to forgive you? That you don't have powers to be the big bad like you want?'
Bill wanted to shake his non-existent head, though he lacked the ability to do such.
'You're so pathetic. Give up trying to gain approval. You're not happy like this, are you? C'mon, Bill. You're not a weak little human, are you?'

He couldn't argue. Speaking through his mind was taken over by... whatever this thing was. He could speak to it aloud, but then they'd hear him. What could he do but be forced to stand there and listen?

He was close to breaking down. Even the smallest thing could break-

'It's all your fault.'

He paused. Yet another deja vu. How disappointing. He recognized that sentence but didn't know where he heard it from. But nonetheless, it hurt worse than a pile of bricks.

Bill collapsed down to his hands and knees, silently sobbing. He slumped against the wall, pulling up his knees and hugging them.

A few moments later, their was a sound on the front porch. He knew who that was.
Bill quickly got up and ran past them, not really giving them a chance to notice his current state, heading to where the vending machine was.

Ford noticed this and got up for Bill to head down.
Bill was facing away from him as he put in the code and opened the door, Bill quickly heading down the stairs.

It wasn't much for Ford to notice something was wrong.
One down the stairs, Bill curled up on the couch and covered up in the blankets.
"Is something wrong, Bill?" Ford asked.
"Y... No.." Bill did his best to keep out the whiny voice, though failed.

"... Don't lie. I can tell something wrong," Ford continued.
"I don't want to talk about it, okay?" Bill asked, a small sign of annoyance in his tone.
Ford wanted to know what was wrong but didn't want to force it out. "Okay then.."


Long story short... Soos and Melody didn't take the news too well.

They kinda freaked out, but after some more explaining from Mabel's point of view, they were less freaked out.
"Well, at least he isn't trying to hurt anyone, right?" Melody asked.
"Nope. He actually spent most of his time here napping. He's such a kitty cat!" Mabel laughed.

"Well, where is he, now?" Melody asked, just to be sure.
"He's downstairs with Poindexter," Stan replied, sipping a Pitt Cola.
"Oh Jeez. They're alone?" Dipper asked.
"Yup. How much do you bet they're kissing again?-" Mabel was interrupted by Melody, "Excuse me?"

"Yeah. Pumpkin over here had the genius idea of trapping them together in the closet until they at least kissed. She unlocked it, and they finally came out after 15 minutes of making out," Stan shrugged.

Soos was slightly shocked.
"Wow. Mr. Pines 2 kissed that triangle guy? That's crazy," Soos said the obvious.
"Yeah! Up top!" Mabel put her hand up for a high five, and Soos followed, both high-fiving.

"I have a name, you know," Bill and Ford emerged from downstairs.
"Oh. Wait a minute-"
"Don't you dare scream at the top of your lungs, Question Mark. I've had enough humans scream in my face for at least a thousand years," Bill warned, shutting him up.

"So, heard you dudes kissed or somethin'," Soos tried changing the subject.
"Yeah.. Didn't you try to, ya know... What?" Melody questioned as Mabel was making a motion to quit speaking.

"No, no, Shooting Star. It's alright." Bill stopped her.
"Yes, I did try killing them and hurt Ford a lot, both mentally and physically, but I have apologized and admitted I was wrong. Like I just explained to Fordsy here, I wasn't exactly in a right headspace," Bill explained shortly.

"Anywho, I'm tired again," He said, sitting down and slumping against the recliner, quickly falling asleep.


"Wow. Okay, then," Melody said, trying to process what just happened.

"'Anyways' isn't a word. It's 'Anyway'." Ford interrupted.
"Right. Right. Sorry, dude. Anyway, c'mon, Mel!" Soos took Melody's hand and pulled her along, out of the room.

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