This Story will be Cancelled Here I'm Sorry

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Don't tell me you guys actually fell for that wow some of you are seriously gullible well pranks aside the day that I'm posting this is my Birthday October 19th I'll hopefully be doing something nice that day so I'll probably not write despite how much I love it so in advance I'm leaving you all with this One-Shot of an anime I watched recently hope you like it

WGS was walking along a road alongside Rimuro

Rimuro: So you honestly think that if I actually stood my ground I could make it work

Sure I think it's best for everyone I mean what would you rather the other options would leave them heartbroken unless you don't care about them in that way

Rimuro: No I do but it seems unfair to them if I do

Relationships are about compromise with that in mind I'm sure if they love you enough they'll wait for their turn besides THINK OF THE ORGIES you're human now after all

Rimuro: . . . You may be on to something

???: HOLD IT YOU 2

They both look behind them

Oh it's you what do you want Miguel

Miguel: I know what you both are here to do

Is he serious

Rimuro: Yeah I think so

Miguel: It's a Canon Event you two have already done enough damage replacing the hero of the Kingdom of Lugunica

Oh yeah that, good times though there have been better

Rimuro: Do you ever plan on continuing that one

I hated watching that world so probably not

Miguel: Or how you aided the Hero who could only use one weapon

Rimuro: I enjoyed that one

Yeah that one was more fun I heard a new season's coming out so maybe I will pick that one up again

Miguel: And who can forget your most recent exploits in the world filled with scientific Vampires

Rimuro and WGS: They're Demons

Miguel: I don't care what they're called the point is you both have been causing havoc the Multiverse is this close to collapsing we can fix the damage of your recent exploits but we need to stop here this is too far and if Lyla's research is correct you literally just witnessed the first episode of this world and you're doing this so suddenly

Yep look say what you want but I really don't believe in your logic it's got more holes than a sponge the entire purpose of a Multi-Verse is that nothing is the same not even the trauma to be witnessed I'm positive that there are countless universes where these supposed "Canon-Events" aren't fulfilled your imagination is just too small to see them

Miguel: This needs to end here

Rimuro: Do you truly think you can stop us

Miguel: Not about whether we can or not we won't just sit back and let the Multi-Verse be destroyed

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