Dom! Venti x Sub! Fem Reader

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CW: it gets a little smutty


"W-windblume? Windblume! There you are...I've been looking all over for you! I just- "

He stops.

You turn your head innocently, eyes a glimmer and hair gently flowing among the thousand winds.


To the bard, you're always a stunning sight~ a shade more ethereal than white.

But you've really taken the cake this time~ spoiling him with this sight. Even if it meant you were a little whopperflower at the same time.

He raises an eyebrow and smirks, shaking his head and putting his hands on his hips. "Of course...I see..." He whispers to himself, soft and low.

A few hairs stick to your lips as you tilt your head innocently. You push them back.

"w-whats wrong?" You ask sweetly, trying to maintain eye contact. He naturally notices how your eyes dart to his chest for just a splinter of a moment, and how your cheeks gain a slight hue of pink. At his undone shirt.

You're holding back your giggles. He knows you are. You're batting your know you're guilty. Every inch of you is riddled with guilt!

Yet here you are...wearing his bow, so beautifully tucked into your locks...feigning innocence.

"W-whats wrong?" Venti asks, playing fake ignorance to match the caliber of your acting skills. But you know that look. That mischevious yet silly smile growing on his face as he closes his eyes.

"Ah, it's nothing, my muse! Ehehe..."

He comes closer, and you turn your head slightly away from him to hide your stifled giggles. He's right behind you now, just close enough to be touching. But not quite yet...

"I just...I can't help but feel I've misplaced something..."

"Oh really?"

You feel Venti's breath now, on the back of your neck. It gives you a rush of butterflies that you try so very hard to conceal from him.

"Oh...yes...I was going to wear it for our stroll tonight..."

"Oh, it's only a stroll, my love..."

"Not on evenings when it's with you, my muse."

You can't help the small laugh that escapes you from that line. It's also so wonderfully comedic hows he's gone from increasingly suductive to pouty within a matter of seconds.

"Hey, what's so funny? It's true!"

"i-im sorry! C-carry on!" You giggle again, and he keeps pouting for a moment before getting back into character.

"so...what is it that youre looking for?" You ask, twirling the bow in your finger. "May"

His heart pounds out of his chest as you press your back into him. Would he really need to cut the act so short? You really are quite the tease, getting him all flustered...


You're being such a whopperflower in so many ways this evening!

"Ah...well...maybe if..." He begins to weave his fingers through your hair gently. You think he's about to take the bow out of your hair at first, but instead, he grips your waist and purrs into your ear.

"mmm...nevermind. I believe I've found it~my little whopperflower~"

"W-whopperflower? What's that me-ahh!"

You squeal as he wraps his arms around your middle tightly, lifting you off the ground and then plopping you onto the ground among the asters. He chuckles devilishly, lapping up the picture before him. What a beautiful sight it is, for his eyes and his eyes alone...wearing something belonging to him so graciously and lovingly. Even though it was stolen...sometimes, you just have to learn your lesson...right?

Immediately, his body is on top of yours, using his weight to pin you down so there would be no escaping his affect- consequences.

He proceeds to lay his love on you, letting his hands roam so freely along your body as he kisses you. Simple kisses on the lips become sloppier until they are no longer just on the lips, but all over your face, your neck, and even getting closer to your collarbone. The cute noises you make just for him fill him with more desire and love, so much so that his body aches from it. He groans against your neck, still trying to press into your body even more. You wrap your legs around his soft waist, eliciting an even stronger reaction from the bard. He chuckles darkly.

"'re enjoying this too much, aren't you, you little whopperflower..." He teases, his lips and breath brushing against the skin of your neck.

"N-no...what makes you think that?"

"oh?" He lifts his head, his hair brushing against your cheek and tickling you before his turquoise eyes shine in dramatized concern. "Then, pardon me! Since you're obviously not pleased...perhaps I should...hmm...I should go..."

Your eyes widen. You purposely stole his bow just to get this...

When he slowly and dramatically pulls himself off of you, drudgingly, you yank him back down by his collar. His eyes widen for a moment, but they become filled to the brim with lust and mischief within mere seconds.

"Wow, you~ you're asking for it now, you little weed..."

"I'm not a weed! I'm your windblume!" You pout.

"Oh? Are you sure? Positively absolutely sure?" He purrs, and then lovingly caresses your cheek~ the eye of the storm before he gives you your divine punishment.

"yeah!" Oh. That little pout.

"Aw...wonderful." He giggles and closes his eyes. An even denser fog descends upon the area. If you weren't even one hundred percent sure that the two of you had privacy tonight before...


His cape comes off so delicately. So, so very delicately. His hat, he places on top of it, giving it a few pats. His eyes are still closed. He seems so calm. At divine peace.

He gently, oh so gently, crawls on top of you, his braids gently tickling you in the face. For a little bit, he's looming over you, as if he's waiting for you to do something... His braids still dangling, brushing your cheeks.

You know very well how this works...It's your waiver, a contract between you and your lover...and this is how you sign it~ especially on evenings where he just knew that you may get a little...caught in the storm...

You undo his braids at a largo pace~ painfully slow and gently. You can see the cracks in his smile forming, and he's getting impatient. You giggle, imagining how this will present itself.

"Oh, my Little whopperflower, my sweet, lovely, divine, innocent whopperflower...I have all of the time in Teyvat for your shenanigans..."


TYSM for reading!!!🦋✨

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