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Yoongi headed to work as usual, it's been a pretty boring start of the day, he barely woke up and he hasn't had his coffee yet.

Yoongi opened the flower shop. Yoongi loved flowers ever since he was a child, his mother would always give him flowers on his birthday or on celebration days but ever since she passed away he wanted something to remember her and he promised himself to have a shop when he was older. And here he is owning one.

He inhaled the scent of the flowers, thankfully he wasn't allergic to flowers the pollen would only bother him a bit when he would get sick but the had gotten used to it.

He loved his job and never thought of changing the way things were.

"Hi hyung" 

That loud voice bursted his thinking.

"Oh Junkook your here already"

Jungkook is Yoongi's employee , he helps keep the flowers alive and preparing them.

"Yes I have too or else you'll kick my butt or spam me with phone calls why I'm late" Jungkook mumbled

Yoongi kicked him on his butt with his foot.

"See I told you"  Jungkook laughed.

"You enjoy torturing me, you know I can easily have you fired, remember who owns this place." Yoongi raised a brow jokingly.

"Uhhh love you!! I gotta go water the flowers bye!" Jungkook ran away.

Yoongi scoffed "why did I let him work here."

Yoongi exactly remembers when he saw young Jungkook looking for jobs desperately with his Bambi eyes, Yoongi knew he had his reasons so he hired him.

It's been 3 years since he hired him, Jungkook was 17 when he started. Now Jungkook was 20 but Yoongi was really debating if Jungkook is grown up seeing how he likes to bother Yoongi so much.

They both went on and opened the shop and waited for customers.

Yoongi was making a bouquet while he waited, he gently grabbed some flowers he mixed different kinds together and put them together. Once he liked how it looked he tied them so they won't fall out of place and grabbed the paper. He wrapped the paper around them and tied it all together. He added his final touches which were small butterfly clips and some scented spray made for flowers to make them smell even better.

"Thats so beautiful"

"Huh" Yoongi looked around and didn't see anyone. Jungkook wasn't anywhere near by him.

He didn't think much so he just shrugged his shoulders and continued.

"I need coffee" he sighed and placed the bouquet on a stand and headed to where Jungkook was in the back, where all the flowers were kept in a cool temperature

"Hey Jungkook"

"Yeah?" Jungkook looked at him with his Bambi eyes.

"Did you say anything  earlier to me"

"Mmm nope I was here the whole time watering some roses." He responded holding a spray bottle.

"Thats strange maybe I do need coffee." Yoongi rubbed his eyes.

"I'll go get coffee if you want I'm not really busy right now and it's early so I'm pretty sure there will be not a lot of customers."

"Is that your way of getting off work for a bit"

"Yep"  Jungkook giggled

"Fine I'll get the regular here"  Yoongi gave his credit card to Jungkook.

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