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Howl knocked at Celene's office door with coffee and snacks in his hands as a way of appreciation for Celene helping him out as he adjust to a new uni.

“Come in!” Howl went inside with a large smile on his face. He dropped all the food that he had in his hand before casually plopping at the mini sofa that Celene had in her office.

“Hi my bestfriend! Enjoy the snacks, Mom wanted to say thank you to you for helping me in this uni.” Howl said, laughing as he recall how his mother constantly annoyed him to introduce Celene to her. “By the way, she wants to meet you really really soon. She's been all over my face these days, insisting to get to know you.” Celene chuckled.

“Set up an appointment, you know very well that I am a very busy person.” She playfully rolled her eyes, before starting to go through the bag of snacks.

“Hi darling, i bought food—” The door opened, revealing a Bada who seems shocked to see bags of snacks at Celene's table. “Seems like you already have some..”

Bada lowered her head to look at the food at her hand. She turned her head towards Howl and in an instant, her face turned gloomy. The guys seemed to have read the situation.

“I should probably get going, thank you again Celene.” He smiled to both Celene and Bada a little before exiting the room. “My Bada—” She stared at Celene blankly as she carefully place the food on the chairs before Celene's table not wanting to lash out or act harsh towards her sweetheart. 

“Since when did Howl started getting you food?” Bada asked softly despite of ranging jealousy clouding her brain. She towered over Celene, turning her chair to face her before caging Celene.

“U-uh.. Just this once My Sea.. His mom wanted to than me because i helped him when he transfered here..” Celene looked up at Bada with quivering lips. She knew how territorial and possessive Bada is, in a good way, however, there were really times where Bada really is gatekeeping her from literally everyone. But, Celene likes— NO, she loves it.

“Really?” Bada asked one more, grabbing Celene's chin and leaning closer, almost as if she's whispering straight to Celene's mouth.

The smaller girl felt like she was drunk, she took a deep breath, her eyes are hazy, and breathing is shaky. “Hmm, yes Bada..” She said, leaning closer to Bada's mouth. “Kiss me please..” She whimpers, desperately trying to pull Bada closer with her hands grabbing the taller girl's shirt.

“My darling, you know I won't do that until we're officially together but I can kiss your forehead.” Bada grabbed both of her cheeks and kissed her forehead a few times which caused Celene to whine loudly where Bada responded with a heartily laugh.

“Stop whining, darling. Make sure that this will be the last time you'll have something from Howl or any other guy. You have me. If i have to buy a whole damn grocery store to make you full, i will.” Bada said, while hugging Celene who's cuddled on her tummy.

“M sorry.. he's really just a friend. A really good friend of mine and nothing more” Celene hugged Bada tighter, they stayed like that for a minute before they were interrupted by 5 girls who came crashing at the room, creating loud noises on the process.

“Girl, i smell food— Oh, they be doin’ something. Are we interrupting?”

Celene quickly pushed Bada away, sitting like a stone while Bada imaginary grabbed her heart, acting hurt because Celene pushed her away.

“Oh my, baby. God, are you okay? I'm really sorry..” Celene's eyes widened, as she quickly stood up to go to Bada.

“You called me what?” Bada asked with a smile on her face, a beautiful shade of pink tinting her cheeks. Celene proceeded to put her mouth in a thin line.

“Say it again please..” Bada said, both her arms wrapping around Celene's small figure who just stayed silent. More pleading words came out of Bada's mouth with a small pout and beautiful eyes.

“You’re my baby..” Bada squealed, looking at her watch as she hug Celene. “Today is September 1, 2023, 9:46 AM, the first time you called me baby.”

Celene chuckled at Bada's cute reaction until they are interrupted. “Ehem. Infront of our pasta?” Kirsten asked with a smile on her face.

They are indeed happy for Celene for being happy with someone else. Ever since they became friends at the uni, Celene never did anything but to do her SC Roles and to do well in class and they are all happy to see Celene radiate happiness and love all thanks to Bada.

“You better not hurt our Baby Cel because i will kick your nose until it's all damaged.” Emma threatened Bada, who responded with something that made everyone's heart, especially Celene's to melt.

“I vowed from the day i confessed that I will do everything to make your friend happy. I will make sure that she's well taken care of and i will not hurt her.” Bada said, eyes sparkling as she looks at Celene who eyes are covered with tears who are threatening to fall.

Celene's friends smiled at her, with a proud look. “Stop with the crying! I see a lot of damn food and I'm hungry. Let's eat this!” Latrice said and was about to dig in the food at the table but Celene interrupted her.

“STOPPP!!! My baby gave me food and only i can eat that. Let me keep it for myself!” She took Bada's food, putting it on her chair before facing her friends.

“Let’s all dig in!” Celene laughed as she watch her friends chow down the snacks given by Howl. She might have to thank him later and apologize, but this is okay, the snacks are okay, beside she's helping him with a little favor. ;)

Celene with Bada, side hugging each other, enjoyed the special moment where all of them are happy contented and satisfied. Bada looked at Celene who was also looking at her. The taller girls leaned down to place a small kiss on Celene's forehead.

“I’m gonna give you the world you deserve, darling.

Author's Note: I was left dumbfounded when i saw videos of Bada on tiktok and i just wish i can come to Korea to experience her dance workshop even though i look so stupid while dancing.

I just love Bada so much 😭😭😭💗💗💗

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