S1>02: Wrap it up Lumiose!

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Narrator's POV

In the middle of a dirt field, right by the river...

"Aah! Ah! Aaaauahh!!"

"Close your mouth! You don't want to bite your tongue!" Grace yelled to her daughter Sabrina as she was being whipped around by Rhyhorn.

"EaAasy for yoUu to saAaayyyh!!" Sabrina held onto the reins as tight as she could. 

She shook her head, "I've competed in Rhyhorn races all across the world, and you can do it too! Stay with it. Be one with Rhyhorn!" She held her fist up in the air, before Rhyhorn threw it's body forward, launching Sabrina at least ten feet ahead. She landed on her belly, scraping her face on landing. "Or.. not."

Sabrina's had enough. She slammed her fists on the ground, "Mooooom!! I. HATE. THIIISS!!"

Excitement filled the air as Jaden and Pikachu arrived in the Kalos Region, but as soon as they arrived, Team Rocket was after our heroes again. However, a brave Pokèmon named Froakie saved the day! But Froakie took a lot of damage while battling. We join Jaden, as he races to Professor Sycamore's Pokèmon Lab with an injured Froakie in his arms.

Jaden's POV

"This way! Hurry up!" Abby waved her hands while running. "Okay!" I yelled to her. "Froakie, you've gotta hang in there." I looked down at the Pokèmon who saved me.

"He'll be okay once we're there." A voice broke me out of my concentration on Froakie. I turned to my left, it was Jack. "I know you're worried." He gave me a slight smile, before looking ahead to catch up with Abby.

Narrator's POV

Jessie James and Meowth, lay in a tree, where they landed after being blasted off by Jaden and Pikachu.

"Unforgivable." James said with embarrassment.

"And embarrassin'." Meowth added.

"Jaden! This way! It's the Sycamore Pokèmon Lab!" A familiar voice they heard. The pushed a few branches to look outside, and saw Abby, running into the Pokèmon Lab, with Jaden and Jack trailing behind.

"Sycamore Pokèmon Lab?" Jessie repeated after Abby. James guessed, "It must be for studying Pokèmon." Meowth sharpened it's claws against each other, "I bet all the strong and rare Pokèmon in there would make ya fall over."

Suddenly, the branch gave out on their weight, and snapped. They fell onto the street, landing on top of one another.

Jaden's POV

Abby pushed the door and we rushed inside, "Hello?" Professor Sycamore! Are you here?" I called out, looking around the fancy entrance.

We heard a loud yawn from behind us. "Coming." We turned around and saw a tall man with long black hair emerging from a hallway. He noticed our worried expressions, "Huh?"

"Are you the professor?" I asked the man, who didn't answer my question. He looked down at Froakie in my arms and his eyes widened, "Froakie, no!" He rushed over to me. I asked, "Do you know this Froakie professor?" He gently lifted Froakie out of my arms, "I sure do. Sophie come quick!" He called out, and a blue-haired woman with a lab coat and glasses quickly came out from the same hallway the professor came from.

"Froakie we've been so worried about you. Your trainer has been in recent contact with us." He spoke as the woman came to his side. Professor passed Froakie to the woman Sophie, "Froakie needs help." He simply said. "Right!" Sophie nodded and scurried off down the hall.

"Thanks Professor." I looked up at the freakishly tall man. "We've been worried about Froakie too. So is Froakie's trainer on the way now?" I questioned him. The professor's expression softened, "Oh, I'm afraid not. You see, he contacted us to let us know.. he wanted to give up Froakie."

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