S1>12: Woolly Ranch Ruckus!

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After a battle with Team Rocket, where Jessie debuted her new Pokèmon Pumpkaboo, our heroes are now out of the forest.

Jaden's POV

Finally out of the forest. I stretched my arms as we finally made it past the trees, it's all path and field now. "Hey, look up there." Sabrina pointed far ahead. The path went up and down several hills, and up on a short wide hill, was a building that we couldn't distinguish because it was so far.

. . .

Eventually, we made it close enough. It was a house, with a large white fence on the side, tons of blue fluffy creatures were standing around in the perimeters of the fence. "Look, Mareep!" Abby squealed.

"Mareep?" I questioned, they were too far for me to see in the Pokèdex. One looked in our direction, spotting us. It made a loud noise, before hopping over the fence, and charging right toward us. "Awwh, look! It's coming to us!" Abby hopped excitedly. As it got closer and closer, it didn't seem to slow down. I realized it was moving straight for me.

"Mareep! Stop!" I a girl came around from behind the house and ran in our direction with a pink Pokèmon chasing behind. I froze, watching in horror as the Mareep struck me with Take Down.

"Aauaaghh!" I screamed as I flew back, hitting a tree and sliding down the bark. What a bitch. I moaned in pain, holding my stomach. I shut my eyes in pain. "Jaden!" The three others ran to my aide as Mareep circled around, ready to attack again.

"Flaaffy use Cotton Spore!"


I opened my eyes, seeing a giant white cotton cloud right in-front of me. The Mareep was stuck in the middle of it, unable to free itself. I slowly got myself up. "Are you okay?" An unfamiliar female voice asked. A girl walked out from around the cotton cloud. The girl I saw running a moment ago. Gently patting my chest, I winced in pain. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said slowly through gritted teeth.

"I'm so so so so so sorry about my Mareep." She bowed over and over to me. Don't need to do all that. "It's fine." I assured her, trying to laugh to lighten the mood. Pikachu hopped back onto my shoulder.

"I've just made food. Come with me and eat. It's the least I could do for my Mareep's behavior." She said as the pink fluffy Pokèmon came 'round the cloud. Looks like it could be another form of Mareep.

"That sounds great." I smiled, cause it's free food. She put Mareep on a leash. As we walked up the hill to her farmhouse, she introduced herself, "My name is Mia. I'm taking care of these Mareep for now. And this is my partner Flaaffy." The pink Pokèmon waved to us, "Flaaff! (Hello!)"

"For now?" Jack questioned her. She nodded, "Yes. My parents are the shepherds, but they aren't here." She said as she released Mareep back into the fence enclosure. She took us inside, and the strong smell of bacon wafted under our noses. The house had a cozy feeling to it. It feels like home.

"Well, I'm Jaden, and this is my buddy Pikachu." Pikachu laughed as I scraped his head.

"I'm Abby, and this is Dedenne!" Abby pointed on top of her head, where Dedenne stood. "De-nenne! (Hi there!)"

"I'm Jack. It's nice to meet you."

"And I'm Sabrina."

"It's very nice to meet you all. Sit." She gestured to the table, "I'll bring your plates." She said as she stepped into the kitchen, she took out a few plates from the cupboard. I sat myself down. Jack sat beside me, Abby across from me, and Sabrina across from Jack. The chair at the head of the table was Mia's.

Kalos, where the journey begins!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें