S1>06: Enter Viola: Bug-type Expert!

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Jaden's POV

"We're finally here yay!" Abby dashed for the city. We're in the Santalune outskirts. It's a great day to have a gym battle. "Yeah! Santalune City here we come!" I laughed with excitement. New region, new friends, new Pokèmon, new city, and soon, new gym badge.

Sabrina to Jack, "Jack, are you challenging the gyms as well?" He paused for a moment.. then shook his head, "Nope. Me and Abby are just tagging along for the journey." He answered with a slow head nod.

ONCE IN TOWN, I looked around, trying to spot a building with the gym symbol, or just a map of directions. We're nearing the direct center of the city, when I noticed a giant pokèball statue. "Look up ahead!" I ran to the statue with Pikachu slightly ahead of me. Once the others were caught up, I looked around, "The gym is over... there!" I pointed in a random direction. My gut tells me it's somewhere there.

Jack said in a slow tone, "But.. how could you know it's there?" I turned around to face them, "Because I just do. We follow our instinct and go with it! Right Pikachu?" I turned to the Pokèmon who was now on my shoulder. I let out a quiet laugh and FLASH!

. . .

There was some random girl in-front of us, who just snapped a photo of me and Pikachu. She wore green capri cargo pants, a white tank top, and black ankle-high boots. She looked down at her camera. "Awwh. This one's good." She said to herself.

"Uh, what's with the photo?" I asked, feeling slightly off put cause why randomly take a photo of me? She looked back at me, "Oh, I just saw you too looking happy and couldn't resist a photo. You see, I'm a Pokèmon photographer." She said as a polaroid slowly pushed out of her camera. She pulled it out, handing us the photo. "Here, it was a great photo."

I raised the polaroid for Pikachu to see, "Look Pikachu." Pikachu squealed, "Pii! (Awwh!)" how wholesome. What a nice memory now. Laughing in-front of the giant pokèball statue.  "Thanks for the pic." I smiled at her, sliding the photo into the hidden pocket of my jacket.

"Mhm, my pleasure." She nodded, lowering her camera. "Also, I heard you, and if you're looking for the gym, it's that way." She pointed in the opposite direction I had pointed in. How embarrassing. "Just take a right, and then a left and you should be there."

"Thanks! Have a great day!" I waved at her as we all walked off in the other direction. Sabrina laughed, "I guess you were wrong."

WE FOUND THE GYM, "Up there! That's the gym!" I pointed at the gym logo on-top of the building. We stopped in-front of the gym, looking at the shrubbery around the entrance. Jack spoke up, "So this is the Santalune Gym. How lively it looks with these plants."

I took a few steps forward, but before I could take anymore, the automatic gym doors pushed open and Helioptile came leaping out. "Heliooo! (Jadennn!)" the little electric-type landed on me, knocking me onto my butt. The others collectively gasped. I laughed, tickled my Helioptiles licks to my face, "Ahahah. It's so good to see you Helioptile." I stood myself up and picked the Pokèmon up. "Where's Alexa?" I questioned the little guy.

"I had a feeling you'd be here soon." I turned back to face the doors. Alexa walked out from the building, waving at me. "Alexa!" I ran up to her, excited to see my friend again. She pushed her hair back, "Hi Jaden, how have you been since we split ways?" She inquired, tilting her head. "I've been great! I caught two new Pokèmon, and these are my friends!" I gestured behind me to the others. She waved once more, "Hi there, I'm Alexa."

"Hi there! I'm Abby! This is Dedenne!" She opened up the little pouch in her bag, revealing Dedenne, who was taking another nap.

"I'm Jack, it's very nice to meet you."

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