S1>04: Dedenne - Sweet or Sneaky?

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Sabrina's POV

Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie. Seeing them altogether now, I'm stuck thinking on who to choose now.

"Before you make your decision, here, take this." The professor's voice snapped me out of my concentration. "Huh?" I looked at him, then noticing a Pokèdex in his hand. "It's a Kalos Region Pokèdex. Use it to help you decide which starter you'll choose."

I slowly took the Pokèdex, and the screen lit up. "Uh.. okay. Wow, Professor thanks very much." I smiled at him, making my way over to Fennekin, "Let's see you!" I aimed the Pokèdex at the little fox Pokèmon.

[Fennekin, the Fox Pokèmon. Fennekin expels hot air than can reach nearly 400 degrees. It likes to snack on twigs.]

"Amazing! This is so cool!" I laughed, moving over to Chespin..

[Chespin, the Spiny Nut Pokèmon. Chespin can flex the soft spikes on it's head, making them so stiff and sharp, they can even pierce through stone.]

"How cool Chespin! Aaand finally.." I moved onto the final Pokèmon, Froakie..

[Froakie, the Bubble Frog Pokèmon. From it's chest and back, Froakie creates bubbles called frubbles, which act as a cushion and soften the blow of an opponent's attack.]

"Wow! This will be super important." I put the Pokèdex on the side pocket of my little pink backpack.

Professor huffed, replacing a laugh. "Well then, go ahead and pick your partner!" He extended his arm, gesturing to the three adorable Pokèmon.

"They're all so cute, but I already made up my mind!" I turned to the professor, "You see, I already knew who I wanted before I left the house.." I slowly approached the Pokèmon on the left, kneeling down in-front of it...

"Hi Fennekin, I'm Sabrina!"

. . .

"Fenne! (Hello!)"

"Fenne! (Hello!)"

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After catching Fletchling, our heroes stop their journey for a while, taking a lunch break in the middle of the forest.

Jack's POV

"Wow this stuff is delicious right now." Jaden quickly ate the sandwiches I prepared. I nervously laughed, noticing how fast he was eating, "I'm happy you like it."

"My brother is a great cook Jaden! He can make all kinds of things better than sandwiches!" Abby happily bobbed her head left and right. "I'm still bummed out Dedenne got away though." She sat down on the path, taking a can of Pokèmon food out from my backpack and taking a piece out, "Do you want this yummy Pokèmon food?" She waved it in Pikachu's face. Before Pikachu could grab it..

"Nenne!" The same Dedenne from earlier ran in-between and snatched the food. "Huh?" Abby said in reaction as the Dedenne ran away and on top of a fallen tree. Dedenne happily munched on the tiny bit of food.

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