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Lexa's pov

We sat down for assembly taking our usual spots, Raven to my right and indra to my left. Funny enough I haven't seen Lincoln since he came this morning but that was the last thing on my mind. There had been a rummer about a blonde that joined our school that seems like bad news and just then all our phones pinged.

Mr White, Hello all my tress as you wait on the assembly to begin just a few pings or whatever you kids say. First welcome back and I hope that you are enjoying your first day back...

"Yeah like we can when we have work being piled onto us and stupid assemblys whole day" Raven said as she got up and moved next to Anya.

and welcome to our new students. Speaking of our new students can Lincoln Woods and Clarke Griffin please report to the office if anyone has seen them inform them that...wait Lincoln is here so just Mrs Griffen to the office. And with that hope you have a splended day ferther.

Clarke Griffin a name that just stuck in my head. It's almost like when you know what you want to say but the words just don't roll off your tongue. I shaked that thought out of my head and the next thing I knew and angry Mr Rone stormed into the hall and straight to the principal. They shared a few words when the principal raped everything up and we were dismissed. I mean hastag shortest assembly ever.

School too went by pretty fast and before I knew I was on the basketball field with the juniors being introduced

"Hi, so I am Octavia co-captain of the seniors team and for this week I will be your coach along with my buddy here who will only be with us for today, this is Lexa the captain of the seniors team. Alright I want this to be an open and free space for all of you so if any of you have questions you can ask right away." Octavia said and in less than a second hands went up. Octavia pointed at a brunette with dark drown eyes.

"Hi I am Ava and I just wanted to know is Mrs hot shot over there single" the brunette that goes by ava had asked

"Well Lexa yes but unfortunately for you she only dates in her year. Now if anyone else that wants to know anything about the game and concerning the game.."

"Yeah" and brunette with green eyes put up her hand and moved forward. "When... Oh shoot sorry hi I am Madi short for Madison I just transferred to this side of town..I mean school. And I just wanted to know when will our first game be" Madison or Madi seemed shy but it was something about her that reminded me of someone I just couldn't get to who.

"Ah yes you will be playing this friday in the sports day to welcome all juniors to the school and that will also determine who will go on our A, B and C teams." Octavia said as she took them to the court

Yes it finally hit me she looks like that blonde I saw in the hall earlier. I wonder who she was.

Practice went by smoothly, except for the occasional glances from that girl Ava. If I am being honest it didn't really bother me this would not be the first time a girl is interested in me from the juniors however the last time, which was last year, I was dating Costia and now I am single but not so ready to mingle. Costia and I were your topical highschool sweethearts couple, the teachers loved us together so did the students of course those that were not jealous as Costia would say. You probably saying if such a great team why end things, well because Costia moved away and the distance just didn't work out for us, well her, so we broke it off.

"Hey ya, so where you headed" Octavia came up to my car. I drive an audi RS7, my mom had insisted that I drive to school now that I am a senior first because she need to be at work earlier this year and my brothers school is right across her work so that wouldn't be a problem and second she doesn't want to get up earlier to drop me off when I have practice.

"Home, Tavia I am headed home" I knew where this was going and I was not standing for it. We have a quiz at the end of the week to see what we know not to mention the game that is happening that I need to prepare for and practice that starts next week so no I wanted nothing to do with this.

"Yes you are but after you are picking up me and Raven for the party." She said bluntly as she walked to her brother's car next to mine. Bellamy got out and you immediately got that smell of cocaine.

Bellamy and I don't get along if that's how you would want to put it but if I would put it into words I would say that I totally dislike him for many reasons, one he has no regard for anyone's feeling but his own, he is a self centered prick, he is a wanna be player, the list could go on and on and the only reason I tolerate him is because of Octavia. Oh and he and Costia cheated on me with each other but that's a long story.

"Hey Lexi, how's things been" he started but his attention immediately shifted to the group of girls coming back from what I would presume to be netball practice.

"Why can't Bellamy take you Tavia" I said with the most innocent voice and face.

"Because first off Bellamy has some date he need to go to and he can't drop up plus you need to get out before you are stuck in books and playing basketball and then we really can't take you anywhere" Octavia was right and she knew she was right.

"Okay fine but if you and raven are not done by 8 then I am leaving without both of you and I am going home understood" I sad opening the door to my car.

"Yes ma'am" and with that I got in my car and drove off home to get ready for this party.


Just🤗 a btw I did not proof read this so if there are any mistakes sorry and I might fix it later or when I notice them.🙃

Thanks for reading 📖 hope you enjoyed feel free to comment unless you have something negative to say tho your constrictive criticism is appreciated 😊.

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