In with new and out with old

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Authors note
First I wanna say thanks to whoever is reading you are much appreciated and second this might irrated some people but the pov will switch half way through the chapter. This book is mostly Clarke's pov because it's how this move had helped Clarke and Lexa but mostly Clarke.

Lexa's Pov

This party was going to be the death of me, I love a good party's but only when they are small and on a Friday so I can crash the weekend on the couch and do nothing. No this party is taking place at the being of a stressful week nevermind the beginning of the school year. This was the annual seniors welcome party and every year we used to go, well every year except last year.

As soon as I got home I put on my gym clothes and went for a run, knowing that Raven would be running a little, emphasis on the word little, late. When I got home my mom and brother were still not home so to save my mom trouble when she came home I ordered a pizza for her and Adin and went up starts to get ready.

I was not going to go all out for the party maybe just wear something casual and comfortable. After the shower I went downstairs and checked my phone which was left on the kitchen counter and I had 12 unread messages. 10 from school group chats, one from my mom and one from Octavia. I first read my mom's which had just said that her and Adin will be coming home later because they were visiting my uncle Titus. Octavia message said that she and raven hitched a ride with Anya and Bellamy. To that I said okay and then left a message to my mom stating where I will be and with whom I will be and I was out.

As soon as I arrived I parked my bike around the back and went inside to find my group of friends all sitting around in the tv room or what I would assume to be the tv room, where they are probably playing a stupid game of truth or dare.

As soon as I was insight Raven spotted me and called me to come sit down next to her and Anya. I sat the game began, more people started to join, this is gonna be fun.

Clarke's pov

I was headed to the party when my phone had buzzed it was my friend from back home. "Hey what's up Luna" I said as I put it on speaker phone.

"Nothing except when were you going to tell us you where not coming back or am I just being delusional here" I had not told them that I would not come back for this very reason one Luna would get angry and start to blame me for what had happened and tell me how this is all my fault and how she told me that it was a bad idea to it. And let's be real no one really wants to hear that.

"I don't know Luna maybe because I didn't have a choice and was planning on running away back to home town"

"You could always stay with your dad's parents you know" but me and her both knew I couldn't. Even if I wanted to my mom would never allow it.

"You know i can't and before you recommend Jaha he and his family moved too so there is no place for me but here. Anyway I need to go I am driving to a party and I am nearly there" I said as the uber turned into the street of the party.

"Okay love talk to you soon. And don't know forget us on this side." She said and with that the uber guy parked infront of the full house and I switch the call off.

As I opened my door I could hear the sound of people talking amoung themselves and I could literally feel them starring. I knew this would happen. The new girl at the party, this would make or brake my reputation and it's also why I dressed to impress, not only was this party the first on of the year this party would also form social groups and this is when you could see how far you would be able to push people, what they really in to and all that this party would determine you I choose to end up hanging out with.

The obvious questions like who invited her or what is she doing here filled the room and was not short of ear shot you could also see the questioning looks on some girls faces and wonder on the boys wondering what she is really will to do, girls obvious judging what I was dressed in and wanting to know if they should be worried and protective.

Just as I was on my way to find a drink an arm raped around my neck and to no surprise it was the arm of that boy, what was his name again. If anything was more irrateting  about men it would be that they could never catch a hint whether that be you telling them no or you flirting with them they would always believe one is the other. And this boy definitely did not catch the hint.

"So you made it princess" he said as he handed me an opened drink and stood Infront of me. A nother thing is when they underestimate the intelligence of a women just because she is that a women, I will have him know I had passed all though out high school with straight A's and I intend to keep doing so. This boy really didn't think I was that stupid to not know to never take an opened drink from someone who is clearly just trying to get in your pants.

"Yes I did but not for any reason you wouldn't assume" I said putting the red cup aside and walking through the house to find me a real and not poisoned drink. Unfortunately that did not mean getting rid of the fool next to me. I swear if boys could be an animal I would give them dog because they are just like dogs.

"You know we should go to the tv room and sit on the couch maybe a little bit of Netflix and chill" that sounded like a plan. I wasn't interested in this dude in the slightest however a make out would do me good right now. Well at least untill I find my victim of the year.

We approached the tv room, this room was painted in all dark colours, and looked very rustic. I think the most beautiful part of this room was the outlook onto the pool and garden. The next thing that you would notice almost immediately was to 2 guys, one very buff and dark and another small and light, drinking straight out of the keg in the middle of a game which I would assume to be a game of truth or dear.

This was going to be interesting

Thanks for reading 📖 hope you enjoyed feel free to comment unless you have something negative to say tho your constrictive criticism is appreciated 😊.

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